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I set my phone down on the table and let out a sigh and then I heard something that sent chills down my spin. Coming down the stairs I could hear the faint clicking of heels the filled my dreams and like those moments I felt like I couldn't move but this time it was from utter fear. 

The footsteps kept getting closer and I felt trapped as I faced the wall unable to move. I was screaming in my head to run but it was like my brain and my body were too separate things and they weren't syncing with one another. 

Who was in  my house and why am I so frightened by this? I couldn't figure out what scared me more. Was it the eerie similarity to my dream or the fact that there was someone coming for me. 

I heard the person stop behind me. They were so close I could almost feel them against me. If they would take one more small step forward I would them against my back. I could feel a cold breeze blow around me which confused me even more. Did they come in through a door? Was that what I was feeling, a breeze coming from outside? I heard a soft laugh come from behind me which sent chills down my spin. 

"Everything will be alright." I heard a soft voice say from behind me. The voice sound male but with a seductive edge to it. I felt them place a hand on my shoulder and out of the corner of my eye I could see the same writing scrawled across their knuckles as my dream and then  everything around me went black. 


I work up with a pounding headache that made opening my eyes for any period of time difficult. The pain made me feel like everything around me was spinning. It was like I had bashed my head into a wall for a few hours and gave myself a concussion. I felt disoriented and I couldn't remember where I was. Finally being able to open my eyes I was confused. I was lying in my bed and I had no memory of how I got here. 

Was it all just a dream? I though to myself as I ran a hand through my hair as I sat up and placed my feet on the floor. I jumped hearing my phone ring which was right next to me which isn't where I remember leaving it. 

"Hello?" I ask answering it and you could hear that I had just woken up by how my voice sounded.

"Chris where aren't you here yet? You're never late." I heard my assistant Ashley ask in a frantic voice as I could hear here quickly tapping away on her laptop probably trying to move things around for me..

Pulling my phone away I look at the time and I jump out of bed and started to get ready. I didn't even realize the time, I never over sleep.

"I'll be there in about an hour, move any meeting I have back." I say quickly as I threw on the first thing I could grab, all but rushing to get out the door. I hung up the phone and rushed to get ready and make my way out the door. I didn't even look at anything, at the pace I was going at it was like everything was moving in a blur. Today wasn't going to be my day that's for sure. 


The day had seemed to be going by fast which I usually would be thankful for but not today. I had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that told me that last night wasn't just some stress induced hallucination or some crazy dream, that it all actually happen. If that was true it didn't make any sense. No one was in the house but me. Also why couldn't I remember anything passed the point of the person stopping behind me? I felt like this was going to drive me crazy. 

Pulling up to the house I just sat there starring at it and I swear I saw someone walking around in the living. It seemed to be a shadow passing behind the sheer curtains that now hung in the living room. Shaking my head I told myself that it was nothing and I was just making myself paranoid, making myself see things that weren't there.

Slowly I got out of the car and made my way up the driveway and through the door but I didn't make it far pass that point when I saw the state of the living room which I must of missed in my rush to get out of here this morning.

I could see scuff marks on the hardwood floors, the TV was on but on a lower volume then the last time which explains why I didn't hear it, there were blankets scattered along the floor in front of the couch and I noticed one of my guitars that hasn't been used in year was laying on the couch. I also stop dead in my tracks when I noticed a pair of black heels laying next to the couch. 

Taking in everything I slowly backed out of the house and sat down on the porch with my head in my hands.  Feeling like I was going crazy I picked up the phone and dialed the one person who I know would have some incite to help me.

"Chris? Are you okay?" I heard him ask the second he pick up. 

"Hey Josh I'm sorry to call you so late but I need someone to see this and your the only I think would be helpful. Would you mind coming out here?" I asked him looking into the window of the living room. 

"Ya I'll be over there soon its no problem. You sound kind of panic. Are you going to be okay till I get there?" He ask me and I could hear the concern in his voice. 

"Ya I'll be fine. I'll see you when I get there." I said quickly.

"Okay I'm on my way now." He said beofre hanging up the phone.

I set my phone down next to me and just stared off into the distance. I knew this was all too good to be there.

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