The Key

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At this point I couldn't sit still. I was pacing back and forth on the porch and then sound of a car pulling up on the gravel driveway and I stop and stared at it. I watched him get out of the car and make his way up the long path that led to the house. 

"Are you okay man?" Josh ask as he started to walk up the steps to the porch. He was in a cloak looking cardigan with a black t shirt with jeans and a black beans covering his balled, tattooed head. 

"I'm fine but you need to see this. I need someone to tell me I'm not crazy."  I said to him as I made me way over to the door and pulled it open. I stood back and let him walk in ahead of me. 

"Woah! What happened here?" he ask stopping in his tracks the same way I did when I first saw it. 

"I came home to this. Weird shit has been happening since we have moved in here." I mumble as I watched him start to walk around the living room taking in everything. 

He stop and picked up the heels that were sitting there and he raised and eyebrow at me and I threw my arms up in  defense, knowing what he was thinking.

He let out a sigh. "I'll help you get everything sorted and back to how it should be and you can explain to me what happened." Josh said as he started to pick everything up and I nod and followed in his lead. 

Josh and I had known each other for years now and know if anyone would be honest with me he would. Also Josh and his girlfriend ran and oddities parlor and they use to do a bit of "ghost" work on the side. I never really believe in any of that but I think I was starting to come around to it. They had stop doing it though a few years back because it started to affect Ryan Ashley health. I wasn't expecting him to help me, I more just wanted his opinion on everything. 

Once everything was put away we sat down on the couch. I had just put the black heels by the front door with the other shoes because I didn't know what I was supposed to do with them.

"So what's been going on?" Josh ask curiously.

"Since we moved here strange shit has been happening. I started having weird dreams, Ange started having nightmares and hes health got really bad. I have been feeling like someone been watching me. The first day when I was moving everything in all the stuff in the living was thrown every where. No one was in the house but me. Last night I had some music playing and it shut off and the TV turned  on all in its own and when I went to check on it once again no one was here. After Ange had called me and I heard someone in the kitchen well we were talking and I just thought it was the wind or something. Later I started hearing heels coming down the stairs and I felt like I couldn't move and I think I passed out. I don't know I can't figure this all out." I said rambling on. I watch Josh nod his head, listening to every word I said.

"I know you don't really believe in half of this stuff but don't you think this could be-" He stop for a second thinking of the proper wording. "Something else." He said and I didn't know what to think. 

"That's why I called you. I wanted your opinion and honestly I'll believe almost anything at this point." i said with a sigh. 

He nod in understatement. "I mean the heels don't make the most sense but none of this seems too bad. I've heard worse. Maybe started out trying to cleanse your house. Burn sage that type of shit." He said to me.

"I'll try that." I mumble as I try to take in all in.

Josh let out a laugh and I raised an eyebrow at him looking for an explanation for his out burst. "Sorry this isn't really funny it's just think of all the time you called us crazy and now this is happening to you." He said trying to calm himself down.

"You're an ass." I said with a quiet laugh. "So how are the puppies?" I ask trying to change the subject and take me mind off of everything for a little bit. 


I was standing in the hallway upstairs but it was different how we had it. The walls were painted a dark grey color and I could see painting along the walls. All the doors were closed expect for the door that lead to the attic. I felt complied to go up the stairs. It was like in this moment I wasn't in control of my movements. I slowly made me way up the stairs and open the door in front of me. I slowly walked into the room and once I was passed the door it slammed shut behind me.That seemed to snap me out of my trance  and I quickly jump to try to pull it open but it didn't seem to budge. 

"No don't go. Please listen to me." I heard a soft voice say behind me.

I stood there facing the door, taking in my option and once I had my breathing under control I turned around to face the direction the voice had come from. Sitting in the far corner was a familiar looking man.  I wasn't able to place him until I looked into his eyes and saw something in them that brought me back to Angelo's drawing.

"Who are you?" I ask turning my head sideways as I took in his appearance. My voice seemed to echo through the room. He was dressed similar to how he was in the drawing and I saw the same skeleton key wrap around his neck. 

I slowly made my way over to him and I crouch down in front of him. I could tell he would already be smaller then me standing but at this height he seemed so tiny. 

"Who are you?" I ask him again with more force to it this time. "Are you the one that made a mess of my living room?" He seemed to shrink at the mention of it. 

"No that wasn't me." He stammer out. "I just took out the gutiar after. I used to play and I missed it." He said biting at the rings on his lips. He took a deep breathe seeming to compose himself a bit. "I'm Ricky." He said in a louder voice. 

"Okay Ricky if it wasn't you then who did make the mess in my living room then?"  I asked him. 

"I can't say. Just be careful." He said quietly. 

I wanted to ask him more but everything seem to slowly fade away from me.

I jump up and it felt like my heart was going a mile a minuet as I try to take everything in once again. Was that all just a dream or did it mean something? Trying to shake the feeling off I sat up and scratch the back of my neck. I must of fell asleep on the couch. I need to stop sleeping here it seems every time I do I have some weird dream.

Looking around I noticed I had a few more things to set up beofre Angelo got home later. I got up and started to finish that up hoping it would take my mind off of everything that had happened these last few days.

Hauntingly Seductive |  Angeless  [C]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt