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Ryan had stayed with Ricky for a while longer and I had given them there space. Sitting at the kitchen table though I still had a view of the window in the front room that over looked the porch through the doorway that the table faced. 

Looking over in that direction I could see the two of them saying there goodbyes on the porch. By the way they were clinging to one another it seemed like they weren't playing to see each other anytime soon. I guess Devin can't be too upset with me if this is the end of it for now.

This was their chance at a goodbye that they didn't get before and they seemed so desperate for one another it didn't seem like they wanted to let go. I don't know what I would do if that was Angelo and I. I don't think I would be as calm as the two of them were being about it. 

I may mess up a lot with our relationship but he still means the world to me. It just seemed like we were at different places  when we first met but we both wanted it to workout. Maybe things would of moved along more smoothly if that wasn't the case but that is a though I guess I'll never get the answer to. Every chance he ever gave me was one I didn't deserve to have from him.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the front door open or Ricky reenter the room. Really to be honest I don't think he would need to open the door to get back in anyways. I almost jumped out of my skin again when he sat down on the chair in front of me. I was able to compose myself not wanting to upset him even more after what he just went through.

Looking at him he seemed so destroyed which is what I was expecting to see for him but I didn't like the idea of knowing what he was going through. I know it wouldn't of been easy for him but seeing the after affects of it hurt me as I was putting myself in his shoes.  

"Are you okay?" I ask him. I knew the answer for this question but I still felt this need to make sure. 

He let out a sigh before looking at me."I think I will be. I mean at least I don't have to worry about him anymore." I nod at him to let him know I understood him. He probably felt like there was a weight lift off of his shoulders.

"I'm sorry for how this is going to effect you though." He said to me and I could hear the remorse in his voice. I was already aware of how this was going to affect me but I wasn't going to tell him that, not after what he went through. 

"It's fine. I'm just happy you got the closure need." I fake a smile the best I could for him, in hopes that it would take any worries off of him.


The more time that passed without anything happening, the more paranoid I seemed to get. It had been weeks now and Devin never followed through with his threats. I was hoping it was because he thought he was in the wrong but I knew there was no way that was truly the case here.

At least I was going to get the chance to go and get away from all the stress this place has placed on me for a little while. I was actually going to get to relax and be with Ange without being distracted by the what if's that filled my mind when I was at home.

When the two of us had gone out for dinner a week ago we had made the decision of where we wanted to go for the weekend. It wasn't too far from where we live but it was still us getting away from work and all the other things in our lives that get in our way from spending time together.

We were planning on leaving later on tonight when we both got home from work. I had been home for the last few hours and now I was just waiting for Ange. I had finished up packing and fixing things up in the house to keep my mind busy. 

I was at the moment standing in the closet, putting things away I had grab as I had come back up the stairs. 

I was must of been so caught up in my thought that I must of not of even heard the front door open because the next thing I knew I felt someone wrap their arms around at me and I saw Anges tattoos coming up along the arms.

Smiling and turning around I was him standing behind me. I was so happy to see him home. Finally we can leave and I can get a break from this house.

"You seem happy to see me." He said to me with a smirk turning up on his lips. 

"I'm always happy to see you baby." I told him bending down to kiss him. 

I wasn't expecting that kiss to go further then a peak, not like I minded if it did but Ange definitely had different ideas for it. He jump up warping his legs around me waist and his arms around my neck. From the way he pulled his body into mine it seemed he couldn't get closer to me and I felt the same as I wrap my arm around his waist.

I moved back, pulling his lips from mine and he let out a wimpier as he lost the connection. The second he processed the action he reattached his lips to my skin as he trailed them down my neck, placing nips and kisses to my skin as he went. I smirk at him as he was so desperate to rial me up.

His hands started to pull at my shirt, wanting me to remove it. "Someone is needy for me." I said as I placed him back on the ground. "Get on the bed, now." I demanded him and he quickly obliged, removing his clothes as he went.

"You now we have to leave soon right?" I ask as I walked over to where he now was. 

"What you would rather leave then use me?" He ask me with a fake pout that I couldn't help but give in too. 

I chuckled once I stop in front of him, placing my hand under his chin and making him look up at him. "I guess we could leave a bit later then. How could I ever say no to getting to use you."

Hauntingly Seductive |  Angeless  [C]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang