The Attic

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Things have been off with Ange and I recently, which was more my fault then anyone else. I can't blame him when he was the only one of us actually trying right now. I felt guilty but also I barely could understand what happened a few days ago. I wanted to blame myself but at the same time it didn't feel right. Walking up after it nothing was out of place and the whole moment was hazy, it was like it was some kind of dream. But was it? It all felt so really but it would explain why I couldn't move. Regardless of everything though I can't lie I did enjoy myself.

"Are you okay?" Ange ask sitting down on the couch next to me. I had gotten back from work a few hours before him and I had just been here starring off into space since I've got. I was so out of it all I didn't even hear him come in. He probably had been trying to get my attention for a while now. I could tell by his tone of voice he was put off by my auctions and I wasn't shocked that he was alarmed by it when I have barely said a word to him since he got home. He wasn't sitting like he usually would with me, he was on the other side of the couch. Almost putting as far away from me as he could be.

"Ya I'm fine, just a bit distracted." I told him and opening my arms in his direction and with a sigh he moved over and curled into them. Him sitting like this made me feel a bit less tense. "I'm sorry I wasn't giving you any attention." I said to him kissing his temple.

"It's fine. You just seemed out of it and you were the same way last night. It was reminding me of how you were a year or so ago." He said shifting uncomfortable. I was thrown off for a second because I knew exactly what he was talking about. The topic that neither of us like to touch on. I guess on some level with everything that happen before he was some what right. 

"No, it's nothing like that. I have just been so stressed out recently. I'm sorry for worrying you baby." I said to him and I placed my hand under his chin to pull his gaze up to mine and kissed him. After he pulled away from me he nod telling me he understood and I could tell he believed me. Part of me hates the amount of trust he has in me because it's making me feel even worse about all of this. I hated betraying him and yet I keep doing it. 

"I love you." He mumble into my chest and he looked up and smiled at me. 

"I love you too." I said returning his smile trying to hide the guilt from my face. 

"You know what we probably need to start doing soon?" He ask playfully. 

"What would that be baby?" I ask him with a laugh. I was feeling a sense of relief of the topic change.

"Our weeding." He said in the sweetest voice I have ever heard. I hope that everything can stay normal for us. 


I had been having a hard time getting to sleep for most of the night. All the sleep I had manged to get was restless and possible only two hours worth of it.  I was trying to stay as still as possible to not disturb Ange. Just because one of us can't sleep doesn't mean the other one shouldn't get to.

Giving up on trying I rolled out of bed as quietly as I could and made my way downstairs. Walking in the kitchen something about everything just felt off. Whatever it was I couldn't place it. Then again when does anything about this house feel normal.

Pouring myself a glass of water I heard a noise coming from upstairs. Brushing it off I decided it was probably just Angelo. Whenever I end up getting out of bed so does he, even with how hard I try not to bother him it never seems to work.

I was at ease for a while after that but then the noise started up again. This time though it sounded like it was coming from the attic stairwell. Taking in a deep breathe I decided it would be for the best to go check it out. Even though I knew the answer won't be easy to explain or anything I really wanted to deal with.

Slowly I made my way up to the second floor and just like expected the door to the attic was wide up. This has been happening a lot recently and I usually just ignore it but that doesn't seem to be working. I guess it's time to try a new solution.

I hesitated in the doorway of the stairwell and the door at the top of the stairs started to creak open. I'm guessing that was supposed to be some form of a sign.

If I remember correctly, with taking all of my dreams into account, this was that one guys area of the house. Ricky, I believe his name was. Maybe this won't be too bad. I tell myself as I take every step with caution.

As expected the second I step passed the threshold the door slammed shut behind me. Why do they all have to do this?

"You actually came up this time." I heard a gently voice say from the corner pf the room across from me. It was too dark up here for me to make anything out causing me to jump. "Did I scare you?" I heard the soft voice say and in the time it would take to snap your fingers he was standing inches from my face which almost made me jump out of my skin. "Sorry." He said uncomfortably looking down at his feet.

I took in a few deep breathes trying to slow the pace my heart was beating at it. "It's fine you just frightened me. It's all okay now." I said softly to him trying to reassure him. I could tell that he was upset by what he had just done. He wasn't the one I hated meaning I don't want to hurt him.

He looked up at me with big eyes and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, he just seemed so lost and broken.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but I-I just had to tell you something and you don't really pay attention to your dreams and-" He ended abruptly when I let out a gasp.

"You can get into my head?" I ask him raising an eyebrow. This would explain so much.

He hesitantly nodded answering my question. "I don't mean any harm by it. I just had no other way to easily communicate with you with him stopping me. Plus I'm not that good at it. he is better" He voiced trailed off at that the end and I could tell he was getting uncomfortable with the topic.

"Who's he? Are you talking about Devin? At least that's what he said his name was." I said rambling on a bit but by the look on his face I could tell my guess was right about who he meant.

Something about what I said seemed to peak his interest. "Wait he let you refer to him by his name?" He ask me and by the tone of voice he used I could tell he was shocked.

I squinted my eyes at him in confusion."Ya that is what he said his name was. What am I supposed to call him? What do you call him?" I ask him curiously.

He open his mouth to speak but it snapped shut once we both heard the door creak open behind us and I watched him drop his gaze to the ground almost instantly. 

"What going on here?" I heard a snarky voice say from behind me. 

"Nothing Master." I heard Ricky say in an even softer voice then he was speaking in before. Well I guess that answers my question on what he is supposed to call him.

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