A Strange Occurrence

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I woke up hearing the front door slam shut behind someone. Scrunching up my face I tried to think of who that could be since Ange came home last night. Turning over I felt around the bed and I noticed it was empty. Opening my eyes I noticed that no one was next to me. Getting out of bed I amused that maybe he had step outside for a moment and that's why the door. 

Coming down the stairs I looked in the living room and I noticed that his coat and shoes were rested by the couch and the kitchen light was on.  "Babe?" I called out as I walked closer to the kitchen. 

"In the kitchen." He yelled back as I stepped into the doorway. Looking him up and down I was put back due to the fact that he was still in his clothes from yesterday. He is not the type to put the same clothes on two days in a row and I know he had changed out of them last night. 

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry I just got home." He said as he pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Oh did you go out again?" i ask raising an eyebrow at him as I scratched the back of my neck.

He turned his head sideways studying me with a curious look. "No I didn't come home at all last night." He said slowly and I could tell he was as confused as I was.

"Oh I thought I heard you come in last night." I said trying to hide the confusion on my face. Was that all just a dream last night? I couldn't of been it all felt so real. None of this was adding up but it's making me question if our house was actual as empty as we were amusing it was. It would make sense as to why he was acting different but it still doesn't all add up. I knew I saw him, there was no way that wasn't him. 

"So how is everything with Nick?" I ask quickly deciding it would be the best to change the subject before he get suspicious of this and started asked more questions that I didn't have the answers to. 

"Everything is fine, they got out of surgery a few hours ago and Nick was finally able to get in contact with some of his family. I thought at that point it would be best for me to leave." He said and I could hear by his voice that it had been a long night for him. " Also you couldn't of put anything away last night after I left?" He ask gesturing behind him.

Putting my hands up in defense. "I didn't know if you were coming home or not last night." He laugh at my remark and with a eye roll started to put everything away. Watching him acting so carelessly made me know I couldn't tell him what I found out about our house. He was happy and at ease, only one of us needs to worry about this and I guess for his sake I'll let that be myself.


It was a Sunday and on any average day we both had that day off but due to what happened to Nicks family he was unable to work. Ange and I have had this day off since we have had the chance to make are own schedules. 

With no one in today Ange had to go into the shop to help Nick reschedule a few of his appointments, dealing with walks in and stuff like that. Meaning that I had the house to myself which I wasn't too sure if I really wanted to stick around with everything that had went on.

Coming up the stairs after I had made myself a cup of coffee I noticed that the door to the attic was wide open. I stop dead in my tracks at the top of the stairs. I felt this strange urge to go up there but I knew that nothing good would come out of this. This could possible bring everything back and there was no way I was opening that door. 

Slowly I walked over to it and glanced up the stairs and I saw that the door at the top of the stairs was still closed and I let out a sigh of relief. At least I don't have to worry about going up there to close it. i quickly pulled the door shut and  I lent forward on it, resting my head against it, taking in a deep breathe. Why did this have to happen to us of all people? 

In one fast motion I jump back from the door when I heard a creaking noise coming from down the hallway. It sound like a door slowly opening. Glancing down the way I heard it come from I saw that our bedroom door was open more then I had left it. The gap in the door was big enough that any average size person could squeeze through it. 

Standing in the middle of the hallway it felt like I just starred in that direction for hours. It was like my body was frozen. I wasn't frozen from the fear of the situation it was like I had lost all control of my body to someone else. Shaking my head back and forth as I snap myself out of, I slowly and quietly started to walk towards the bedroom. 

"Ange is that you?" I called as I got closer. It wouldn't make sense for him to be back yet but it's the only person that would make any sense for it to be. Right now I feel like I'm in some shit horror movie. 

Coming up to the bedroom door I try to quietly pulled it up and looked in the room. Of course as expected there was no one in here. Slowly I walked into the room and once I was passed the door I heard it slam shut behind me. 

Jumping I turned around to look behind me and in that moment the whole situation felt like it was one of those strange dreams I had before. I could see them all flashing before me eyes and looking over on my right side I noticed the same hand with the writing scrawled across it that had been haunting my mind since I first saw it. The word rang through my mind like there was some strange echo. Lost.

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