The Past Is A Strange Place

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"I don't want to move now away." Ange complained, resting his face into my shoulder. I let out a sigh, I knew this would happen if he knew I was here. 

We had talked everything that was needed  through and I could tell he was a little less upset at himself. He was still placing blaming on himself but it wasn't as much as he was before. 

We were still curled up on the couch and I had decided to bring up the topic of him moving. Of course he wasn't to excited for that. I knew that I was expecting that from him though so I was more prepared to deal with this.

"I know you don't want to move but it's for the best. This place isn't a good place to be and I don't want you getting dragged into this anymore then you already have been." I told him softly hoping he would understand. 

"But you're here and I already lost you once, I don't want to go through that again. I know you're not really here and we can't go back to normal but I don't want to leave you behind." He sounded so broken as he said it and knowing how hard this was for him was making this more difficult then I thought it ever could be. 

"I know that's how you wish things would go and I would want the same but you need to move on at some point. Staying here will just make thing more difficult on you." I kissed his head after that was said to give us both  little bit of comfort. 

"I know you're right but I don't want to admit it. I'll move soon I promise you that. Just let me enjoy being with you for a little while longer." He let out a loud yawn after he said that and I could see he was getting tired. 

"Are you getting tired?" I ask him, running my fingers through his hair. That always helped him relax when he was tired and I could see it still does by how he just looked like he would fall over any moment.  

"Ya I am. I don't really know why, it just kind of came out of no where." He mumble as he rested his head on my shoulder. 

"Do you want to just stay like this and sleep?" I ask him as I watched him try to get comfortable on my lap.

He nodded and I felt him do so against my shoulder. "Ya I do. I don't want to be apart from you right now. I want to spend as much time with you as I can well it's still a possibility." I felt that the same way but I didn't want to tell him that. It would just make things more difficult on him and his feelings are what I care about.

Soon after that was said the room went silent and I felt him fall asleep. At least I was already comfortable because I won't be moving for a while. I wouldn't want to wake him up. Looking at the bags under his eyes I could tell he hasn't gotten a lot of sleep recently.

Ricky had also told that if I was drawing energy from someone it would make them tired. I didn't really even noticed that was where I was drawing my energy from but it make sense that was were I choose to without thinking. I think that was what made him fall asleep so quickly on top of the lack of sleep he has probably had in the last few night. At least now I get to hold him in my arms again.


Ange had stayed a little while longer the next day after he woke up but time seemed to be moving so quickly it was almost like in a blink of an eye he was on his way out the door to go to work.

Seeing this made me think of the responsibility I had well I was still alive. What was going on with them? How was working going without me? Did anyone even care that I was gone? 

I was also reminded of the night I had ask Ange to marry me. That wasn't going to happen anymore. Maybe that was the reason we never made plans for it. The universes or something like that knew this was coming. I wish it would of happen after that.

I was so caught up in my worries that I jumped when Ricky sat down on the couch next to me. He tilted his head, trying to read me. It must of been obvious to him that there was something I was obsessing over. Then again he went through this so he had to now this was what I was going through.

"What's wrong? I know he just left and all but you seem really out of it." He brought his hands to the bottom of his shirt, fidgeting with it as he spoke.

I let out a sigh, unsure of how to even explain this. "Just stuck thinking about the past I guess."

"The past is a strange place." We both turned around to face the stairs to look at who said that. We already knew but I don't either of us was expecting Devin to show up.

I rolled my eyes when he started getting closer to us. I was still unhappy with him, I don't think I'll ever feel differently about him though. "What do you want?" I basically spat in his direction.

"You know I could of caused so many more problems for you well he was here but I let you have that goodbye. You think you would be nicer tome. Next time he's here I can make it hell for the two of you." He said with a smirk as he movements came to a stop behind the back of the couch.

I raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him. "You wouldn't." I spat. I knew he was capable of it but even with everything I've seen him do I didn't want to believe it.

Watch me." he ran a hand long my shoulder and onto my neck."Or maybe you could I've me a reason not?" How did I know he was looking for something? At least I'm figuring out him.

"So what do you say? Are you goign to show me a reason why I should be on my best behavior well he's here or not?" He batted his eye lash a me beofre walking around the couch the straddle my lap. 

I rolled my eyes, I might s well. It's not like I have anything to lose anymore. 


Okay so I recently just posted a new story call Daddy's Brat and its a DDLB with a few polysemous elements to it. If you guys could go give it some love and tell me what you think I would really appreciate it.

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