Part 3

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After Blake left the room to talk to Mrs. Heather, the team started practicing one of the dances. It was for a song called Boy In Luv, which seemed to be their title song.

"Hey Y/N, do you want to impress that guy so badly?" Dean walks over to you and some of the other teammates trail behind him.

"Not really, but they seem really good, so I want them to feel intimidated by us. We're one of the best teams in the nation, and they're one of the best dance groups in South Korea. Shouldn't we try to show them what we're made of?"

"She's right, Dean. We should make them feel like they should watch out."

Dean nods his head slowly, trying to decide what to do.

"If we all want to intimidate them, let's try not to show it," he says.

So, you begin rehearsal right away. It normally doesn't take a long time for your team to learn the steps, so this was a piece of cake. After a few hours of endless practice, you all start to goof off. Talia turned on some of BTS's songs and the team had a dance battle.

"It's freestyle, so no one has to try that hard," Dean explains. "Y/N. Why don't you go first?"

"But aren't those guys gonna be here soon?"

"Yeah, but we'll just dance while we wait."

So you shake off some nerves and get up. The song starts playing. You feel the music, you're one with the music. The only person in the room is you. You literally dance like no one is watching.

"Wow! I've never seen those moves before!" Nala shouts.

The comment makes you laugh, but nothing distracts you when you dance. As you move your feet to the beat, the door opens and in comes a small Korean man walking behind Blake. She points and moves her finger from the team to you indicating she wants the rest of the team to line up where you're standing.

"Guys, I want you to meet Bang PD-nim. He's in charge of Big Hit Entertainment, BTS's company."

The small man bows to greet you, and you all bow respectfully.

"Hello. I've seen some of your performances online, and I'm honestly extremely impressed. I mean, you guys are one of the top 2 in this country," he complimented. "I just hope my boys can keep up."

That comment makes the team smile, and a tall guy, probably 22, with blonde hair walks in and says, "Ah, PD-nim, it's gonna be tough."

"Guys, this is Kim Namjoon, or Rap Monster, that's his stage name," Blake explained. "He's BTS's leader."

He chuckles. "I'm not joking when I say that you guys are super talented. If I'm not mistaken, I believe we saw you guys last night at a club. We were filming for a show, in case you're wondering. But anyways, one of my members said he was extremely impressed with one of you guys's dancing skills." He scans the team and meets your eyes. "You."

Your teammates giggle as you scratch the back of your head awkwardly. They all know about that guy.

"Before I let the others come into the room, do you have any questions?" He asked.

Dean raises his hand and asks, "When we're introduced to each other, should we call you by your real names or stage names?"

"Um, I would recommend calling us by our stage names because we'll be filming together so..."

"Oh okay, got it."

Rap Monster walks to the door to open it and says, "Guys. C'mon."

One by one, they file into the room. All but one of them seems shy, and it was the stalker guy. He looks at you and his lips curve slowly. His cheeks turn red and he whispers something to the guy on his left. Whatever he said made him really shy afterwards.

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