Chapter 13

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"So, you killed her?" Stiles asks, casually. I nudge my elbow into Stiles' rib cage when I see Scott wince at Stiles's words.

"I don't know. I just woke up and I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before." Scott explains to us, confused by his own memory.

"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently." Stiles says, nonchalantly.

"A, I meant I never had a dream that felt that real-"

"-and B, never give us that much detail about you in bed again." I finish Scott's sentence.

"Especially when I'm sure it deals with a certain girl." Scott stares at Stiles, his lip curled up in disgust.

My heart drops and I try to cover up my disappointment with a fake smile. I don't need Scott and Stiles questioning me why I look so upset. Stiles has dreams about Lydia, why am I not surprised?

"Noted. Now, let me take a guess here-" Stiles begins.

"No, I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out." Scott tells him as we continue our way down the hallway, filled with students.

"No, of course not..." Stiles says, unbelievingly. "Yeah, that's totally it." He gives in under Scott's glare.

I place my hand on Scott's bicep. "Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, alright?" I smile at my twin. "Ignore him." I jerk my thumb at Stiles, who is not making the situation any better. "Personally, I think you're handling this whole werewolf thing exceedingly well. I mean, it's not like there is a-"

"-lycanthropy for beginner's class you can take." Stiles manages to finish my sentence before I can. How did he know I was going to say that?

Scott nods. "Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher.." He trails off, leading us to realise who he is talking about.

"Who, Derek?" Stiles questions him.

I reach up and slap the back of Scott's head. Is he crazy? "Are you forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail? I'm sure he still hates us for that and isn't waiting with flowers and candy for us to see him again."

"Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real." Scott pushes open the doors for us to walk outside.

"How real?" I ask Scott with all of our heads facing each other.

"Like it actually happened."

A gasp escapes from my mouth as we stare straight ahead at a school bus parked in front of us. The back door of the bus is ripped off and blood is smeared all over the bus. Police officers are surrounding the bus, examining the bus. Parts of the bus are broken, bent, dented, and even have scratch marks on them. Scott dream may have actually happened.

"I think it did." Stiles breathes, his mouth dropped open at the scene in front of us.

Scott's hand grabs onto my wrist, panicked. He normally doesn't seek for comfort from me unless he truly is terrified. When we were younger, Scott would always have to be holding on to me somehow when he was scared because he liked to know that I was nearby. The same goes for me when I'm in a scary situation. For some reason, it comforts the two of us when we know that each other is nearby.

"Ellie, please tell me Allison texted you this morning." Scott speaks in a strained voice, not trying to hide the pain in his voice.

I freeze at his question. "I-I..uh.." Unsure of what to say, I stammer to find something that won't upset Scott more. I don't want to tell him that I haven't heard from Allison since yesterday at school.

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