Chapter 30

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"It's official. I'm going to kill Jackson." I glare at my phone as Stiles leads me upstairs to his bedroom. "He just needs to leave all of my friends alone, including Scott.

"What did he do now?" Stiles waits at his door for me to catch up.

"He told Lydia that she was dead weight and dumped her." I shove my phone back in my back pocket. "If I ever get the opportunity to kill him, I won't hesitate."

Stiles kisses my cheek when I approach him. "Don't do that. My dad may be the sheriff, but he won't be able to cover up Jackson's murder."

I blow air out of my mouth, annoyed. "He just pisses me off. When is it my turn to punch him in the face? You had your turn." I nudge him in the side, walking into his bedroom.

Stiles chuckles and goes to his computer while I jump on his bed, making myself comfy. I place my chin in my hand, my eyes drifting to the corner of the room. None other than Derek Hale is standing in his usual black attire. His random appearances aren't really surprising me like they used to. I sort of expect him to show up unexpected now.

"If you show up in my room, we're going to have a serious problem." I cross my legs on the bed.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asks, eyes glued to his computer screen.

"Hey, Stiles!" Mr. Stilinski shouts from downstairs before I could get an answer out.

The sound of boots coming up the stairs earns Stiles' attention. "Yo da- Derek?" Stiles gawks at the uninvited werewolf in the corner. "I- um."

Derek holds a finger to his lips silently then angrily points his finger at the door. Someone is demanding. The word 'please' must not be in this werewolf's vocabulary.

Stiles rushes to the door to beat his dad from opening it and seeing Derek, a wanted fugitive. He pokes his head out of the door, blocking his dad's view from seeing anything inside. Instead of sitting on the bed and missing all of the fun, I slide out from under Stiles' arm, forcing him to let me by and lean my back to his chest. We don't need Mr. Stilinski think that we are doing something inappropriate in his house.

"What did you say?" Mr. Stilinski glances at me then back to his son.

"What? I said yo dad." Stiles holds the door with a tight grip.

"Listen, I've got something I've got to take care of, but I'm going to be there tonight. I mean, your first game." Mr. Stilinski grins at his only son.

Tonight is the first game that Stiles is going to be playing in on first line. Scott and Stiles said that pink eye went through the lacrosse players, which forced Coach Finstock to make Scott a co-captain with Jackson, along with Stiles, or should I say Biles as that is what Coach called him, to first line.

"My first game. It's great. Awesome. Uh- good." Stiles says, sarcasm dripping in his tone.

Mr. Stilinski doesn't catch it and continues smiling. "I'm very happy for you and I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks. Me too. I'm happy and proud." Stiles replies. I elbow him in the stomach. "Of myself."

He really isn't the best under this kind of pressure.

"So, there really going to let you play, right?"

"Yep. He's first line." I chime in to take some of the pressure off of Stiles.

"I'm very proud." Mr. Stilinski smiles at the two of us.

Stiles points to himself. "Me too. Very proud again." He side steps me as his dad pulls him into a hug. "Oh, huggie...huggie...huggie."

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