The blood of an orange.

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Marco came into the room carrying two large glasses of orange juice. He sat opposite Tom and handed one to him. Tom sat swirling it in his glass.
"Funny, I've never seen juice this colour and I thought I'd tried all of the flavours. Tell me. Does an orange's diet consist of mostly yellow foods?" He asked Marco.
"Um. Well I guess so. All it needs is water and sunlight and I guess the sun is kinda yellow." Marco replied, placing his empty glass on the floor next to him.
"The sun is red."
"No the sun is yellow."
"No the sun is red."
"No the sun is yellow."
"The Sun is Red. And that's final."
Tom drank his whole glass of orange juice at once. Then spat it out onto the floor. "Marco! What the Earth kinda blood is this?" He yelled taking a flask out of his pocket and beginning to drink from it.
"It's not blood, it's orange juice!"
Tom lifted the flask from his mouth and began to speak. He had a small drop of blood running down his chin that he licked off with his long red tongue making Marco gag.
"You said it came from an animal that's diet consisted of mostly yellow foods!"
"I said it came from an Orange! Which is a fruit!"
"A what?!"
"A fruit."
"That is not a thing."
"Yes it is."
"No it isn't."
"You know. This is why Star dumped you! All you do is argue argue argue!" Marco yelled. Tom dropped the flask of blood and looked dumbfounded.
"Tom. I, uh..." Marco started.
"No it's okay." Tom said calmly. "You're right." He seemed hurt. Really hurt. "It's okay now though. I've...I've moved on...yeah, I've moved on. No more tears for Star. Yeah. No more tears." Marco felt sorry for Tom. He knew he shouldn't have but the idea of Tom crying over Star and his break up made him feel more empathetic. If it would've been the other way around then he would've hugged Star, given her a shoulder to cry on, been her friend. But he couldn't possibly be Toms friend. Could he?

I know these last few chapters seem like padding but I swear, I have big plans. Mwah ha ha ha!

Kidnapped. (A mild Tomco fanfic.) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora