Lies, lies, Lies...

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It had been a few hours since they'd got back at the Diaz household after waiting for Tom to drop Cassie off at the Demon emergency room, and they were playing go fish when Tom decided he'd overstayed his welcome.
"Well I guess I should be going." He muttered, standing up.
"Sorry about your Dad." Star said quietly.
"Oh. He wasn't my Dad." Tom laughed at Star and Marco's confused faces. "Manipulation is a skill that's easily taught but incredibly useful." He turned towards the mirror and was about to fire teleport out of Star's room when he remembered something.
"Oh. Star, Sorry about your room and Marco, I guess you'll be wanting your hoodie back." He began to remove his red hoodie.
"No. It's okay. I don't want it back. It's all yours."
Tom gave him a smile and disappeared in a cloud of fire.
"I'm surprised you gave him your hoodie, you've had that since like 3rd grade." Star laughed.
"Yeah. But today it's been set on fire, torn into pieces, dragged through acid and I would've probably never got the demon smell out. I'll just send him the bill for a new one."
Star laughed but stopped abruptly.
"What did you do to my room?"

Well this is it! The end of Kidnapped. I've actually really enjoyed writing this and apparently you guys have kinda enjoyed reading it because it's got over 300 reads which is mind blowing! I might end up writing some more Tomco one day but I'm going to start a different fic that probably isn't going to be SVTFOE. So thanks for all the reads, you're all really cool dudes and dudettes. I think I've run out of stuff to say so this is Cat saying peace out.

PS: The sequel is up! (but it's Christmassy so I wouldn't recommend reading it right now.)

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