The help cry of a little girl.

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Suddenly a thought struck Marco. He remembered that in 7th grade science they had done about neutralising acids, and his science teacher had said that lime was a popular and cheap way to neutralise an acid because it was a powerful alkali. He also remembered his dad saying that Lime juice is a key ingredient in the cement that holds bricks together. So metaphorically, if he mixed enough cement into the swamp it should turn neutral so he could swim to the bottom. He immediately began to kick and punch at the wall, it was lucky that he knew karate or he probably wouldn't succeed in smashing about a hundred large chunks the way that he did. Footsteps were getting louder now, the enemy was slowly getting closer with every noise Marco made.
"Okay Marco, you only have one shot at this. If this goes wrong then you'll die. But if you don't do it you'll die anyway." He whispered almost silently hoping the creature couldn't hear him, but it could hear him. Very well indeed, this creature was blind you see. So it could hear every breath Marco was taking as it made it's way towards him.
  The creature stepped on a branch and Marco heard it snap meaning that it was incredibly close. Hearing that he dumped the entire load of cement at once. As he had seen before it bubbled then turned clear. The creature was less than 100 metres away now and Marco could hear it breathing. So he jumped in just as a withered hand reached for his ankle, whilst falling he caught a glimpse of the creature which seemed like an old man that didn't have any eyes. Shortly after he had seen it for a few seconds the water above him began to cloud over and he became very aware that if he didn't swim as fast as he could then the water would turn back into acid before he could even see the bottom.
    Tired with aching limbs and gasping for air Marco emerged in the entrance of the underwater cave. He was drenched, freezing and his t-shirt's left sleeve had dissolved off, as well as the knees of his jeans and his shoe laces. And worst of all, his socks were wet.
"Tom?" He whispered trudging along the stones of the cave floor. "Tom? Hello? Tom?"
"Help." A voice whispered. Marco immediately knew it wasn't Tom or Star. It was the voice of a little girl.

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