Chapter Twelve - The War Is Won Before It's Begun

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(Pete's Point Of View)

I'm in panic mode. Where is Patrick? Then, I hear a familiar ringtone. I go through my pockets and sure enough, his phone is there, but wait, he never gave me his phone.

The only instinct I have to do is running outside of the club and down the streets. With ever stride more and more tears fall down my face, "Patrick!" I scream repeatedly. Before I can get any further, I collapse on the hard cold floor and blackout.

I wake up to complete darkness. I suppose I have a blind fold on. My head is pounding and I feel really nauseous. I hope Patrick isn't here. Then, I hear screaming, Patrick's screaming.

Yup, we're screwed.

The blind fold or whatever gets pulled off my head revealing an attractive girl, "So, you must be bad boy's husband?"

"You better not hurt Patrick you psychopath!" I try and sit up, only finding myself strapped tightly.

"Oh this is so fun!" She laughs creepily. I give her a glare, "Oh we're being mean now?" She slaps me, I scream. Now I know, at leased they didn't do anything else to him. Hopefully.

"You don't slap me bitch!" I spit at her.

"Aw," she fakes a hurt face, I roll my eyes, "You know why you're here right?"


"Well your wittle Patrick didn't want to kiss me so, I have to punish you now."

"Well that's not a logical reason a-" I get cut with her slapping me.

"Oh okay then." She knocks me out.

(Patrick's Point Of View)

"Well, I lied." I winks chuckling grabbing his sides and starts grinding against his leg. He gets hard that. Then, I move behind him, putting both my hands on his hips and sucking on his neck.

"Fuck, Patrick!" Pete moans. Before I can get a word out, someone puts there hand over my mouth with a weird smelling cloth, dragging me away, making me black out instantly.

I wake up with a huge headache. That's the worst part so far. I open my eyes, I think I did anyways because all I see is black. The bag cloth thing gets torn off my head and I see myself in a dark room with only one light shinning down on me. This is some Saw shiz. If you saw the room yourself you would have thought the same thing. Where the hell am I? I look down at myself and see I am strapped down to a chair by brown leather straps around my wrists, my stomach and my ankles. I try wriggle out only making them tighter. I give up after a minute.

"Oh Patrick, why didn't you listen to me?" A girl in all black walks into the light, shes wearing a clown mask. It reminds me of the masks in The Dark Knight.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

She slaps me making my jerk to the side, yes I actually did scream, "You know what you did!"

"Uh, no I don't." At that, she goes behind me grabbing me head and puts a butcher's knife to my neck.

"You have been a bad boy haven't you?" She takes off the mask.

"Oh you didn't!"

"I did sweetie," She licks my cheek, "I told you you were warned." She throws my head away, "I'll be back to attend to you later." She bops my nose with her finger then leaves.

I hear a scream, I suppose she slapped him. I give up on trying to break free after the tenth try and because I hear a door close.

She comes back into frame, "Oh Patrick!" She coos.

"What!" I mock her.

"We are going to have the best time together! With some of my assistants!" She waves her hand and three more girls with the same style of masks.

"Oh co-" I get cut off with her kissing me and straddling my legs grinding. She licks my lips for entrance, but I don't give in. She gets impatient and bites my lip causing me to open my mouth, damn it. She explores my mouth and throat. I move my head trying to get away.

"Oh that's how it's going to be?" She gets off and slaps me again, "Girls, you know what to do."

The other girls come over and unstrap me. They pick me up from under my arms tightly. That was the last thing I remember before blacking out.

I wake up groggily strapped down on an actual table with padding, I don't know what to call it. With an actual light shining down on me, I'm alone. This reminds me of that dream I always have, but this time it's real.

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