Chapter Thirteen - Be Careful Making Wishes In The Dark

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

I wake up groggily strapped down on an actual table with padding, I don't know what to call it. With an actual light shining down on me, I'm alone. This reminds me of that dream I always have, but this time it's real.

I look around and see a needle imbedded in my skin with this liquid going inside. That gets me going. I struggle to get free with no success.

"Patrick, honey. You won't break free anytime soon." A voice says and she walks in the light and stands at the end if the bed, grabbing my legs an rubbing them.

"Get me out of here!"

She walks from my feet to the side of it, she grabs my crotch, "There wouldn't be any fun if we do that," she takes off her mask, "Now would there."


"Oh don't act surprised," she squeezes causing me to wince, "Don't be a cry baby. It's not like you get this all the time." She lets go.

"W-Why are you doing this?"

"Oh if you didn't know." She holds onto the top of my dress pants.

"I don't, that's why I a-asked. Why?"

"Because, I need to do something to get back at you for breaking my heart divorcing me." She bops my nose with her other hand.

"I-I had to! Plus I didn't break your heart, you broke mine! You freaking raped me!" I try shaking free out of anger.

"Oh Patrick, don't make stories up." She unbuttons my pants and slides down the zipper.

"I'm not! You know it's true!"

"It's impossible for a girl to rape a guy Patrick. Silly." She chuckles while sliding my pants along with my boxers down while licking my cheek.

"Elisa stop!" I push her hand away before she exposes me.

"Oh you're going to get it now!" She slaps me and spits on my face.

At that, I regret it.

(Pete's Point Of View)

I wake up to a faint screaming. Still unsure of my surroundings again. I look around and remember. The screaming gets louder as I become more aware and it's Patrick's gut hurling scream. Why are they doing to the poor guy. When I get out, they are going to get it!

After awhile the screaming stopped, no just go quieter. I hear footsteps coming towards my room and stop in front of the door. I see the door open and Patrick gets thrown in and he just lays there lifeless. Closing the door quickly behind them locking it. I hear them laughing hysterically walking away.

A tear slips from my eye. What I see is something I wish I could forget.

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