Chapter Sixteen - I Know This Hurts, But It Wasn't Meant To

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(Brendon's Point Of View)

A year has passed and I haven't heard or seen any of the guys, well Pete and Patrick anyways. No, I'm lying, I talked with Pete shortly just so he could hand me over their little girl, Mona. Technically she isn't little, but through my eyes she is. At first I thought it was going to be a tough time, but in reality it isn't.

Throughout all this, Sarah ended up coming back to me. She told me that she overreacted and that she's sorry. That she didn't realize on how I felt about it. I know I said I didn't love her anymore, but that was a lie, a lie so I could face the fact in what I did with Patrick.

It was my fault that Patrick and Pete split up, but for some reason I got the pleasure of doing it. Now, I regret it. Mona has no idea what the fuck has happened and why shes with me in the first place. I still don't feel comfortable telling her, but I have to, shes starting to feel unwanted and abandoned. I always want to, but I end up cowarding out, I just need a sign and/or a way to make this easy.

Right now we are at Wal-Mart grocery shopping. Fun! Not really. I hate grocery shopping with a passion, but how are we going to survive without food?

"Hey, Aunt Sarah! Can I get this?" Mona asks holding a pie.

"Sure honey, get whatever you want. I told you that already." Sarah answers with a smile and kisses her on the forehead.

"Yes! Thank you!" Mona exclaims putting it in the full basket thing.

"Okay, I think we're ready to get in line." Sarah says.

"You think?" I chuckle.

"Oh shut it." She teases kissing me.

"Oh shut it" I mock her.

"I'll go save us a spot in line!" Mona sings while skipping towards the checkout stands or whatever the hell they're called.

"Okay!" I sing after her, "I guess we have to go I guess." I kiss Sarah chuckling, walks towards where Mona went.

"I'll be in the car," Sarah says grabbing my ass and leaves.

I get to where Mona is and she's just staring into a magazine with her mouth open forming the perfect 'O' shape, in disbelief. Probably shirtless pictures of her idols or something, I don't care. She sees I'm standing next to her and she looks up at me, "Uh, uncle? May I get this magazine?"

"Of course. Hand it to the check out person."

"Thank you." She hands it to him and he hands it back to her with a confused look at her than at me. I just shake it off.

I put the groceies on the conveyor belt or whatever and he check the items out. After like two minutes of scanning and all that boring stuff, we are headed for home. By the looks of it, Mona is obsessed with that magazine of here.

We get home and Mona runs to her room instantly and literally, "What's up with her?" I ask Sarah laughing.

"I have no idea, but you should seriously see what she's so wrapped up about with it." She suggests.

"Yeah, I should, but I mean, aren't we getting a little protective about it? It's probably nothing."

"Probably, but she seemed secrective about it."

"Huh, you're right." After I put the grocries away, I head for Mona's room. I knock on the door, "Hey, Mona?" I walk into her room and she hides the magazine. Yup, somethings up because she never gets like that.


"Let me see the magazine you bought."


"I want to see it. It's not like you to be secretive. I'm worried, that's all." I sit on the edge of her bed. I hold out my hand and she hesitantly gets the magazine from under her pillow and hands it to me. I look at the cover and the main story is Patrick and know the backstory already. I go to the article and there are numerous pictures of various acts we did. The main one was of Patrick straddling me looking down at me with a smile, him and I both sweaty, himself clearly exposed. This whole article is full of crap, well the pictures are real, but everythng about it.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just...I'm sorry uncle. Please don't hurt me."

"Now why would I hurt you Mona?" I set the magazine aside and looks at her.

"I-I don't know. I'm sory."

"Don't be sweetie," I put some of her hair behind her hair, "I get that you were embarrassed about getting it. Just so you know that article is crap and a little explicit, but you deserve to understand and know."

"B-But..." Mona trails off for a second, "Was it really you and Dad?"

I swallow hard, she has to know the truth, I take a deep breathe, "Yes sweetie."

"So, you and Daddy...had sex?"

"It's much more complicated than that, but yes."

"How exactly did it haooen? Well, not the sex part and when? Why?"

"Well, you see last year on Christmas, I made a stupid mistake and kissed him already knowing we had's your father's right to tell this story."

"No, tell me please. Besides, when am I ever going to see him?"

"You're right. Long story short. We got ready for bed whatever. I knew I wasn;t going to sleep any time soon so, I went back out to the front room and watched T.V., soon after your Dad came out and brought me to my room because he "had to tell me something". I was confused on why, but he kissed me fiercly, I backed away, but he pulled me in grabbing my butt, sorry, and kissed me again. This time I gave in and we ended up, you know. Why did I do it? Because I love your father Mona."


"I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay Uncle Brendon. Plus, there is no need to be sorry." She looks away from me, "Does Dad still love me? H-He...why did he give me to you?"

"Of course he loves you Mona. Pete is the one that gave you to me, not him. Patrick will never give you up."

"Then why did he leave Pete and...and...made Pete..."

"He didn't leave Pete, Pete left him because Patrick was making out with me and Pete got sick of it so, he called it quits. He didn't even know Pete did what he did. Patrick just ran off the bus and that was the first night he became addicted to prostitutes and alcohol. That was the last day I saw him. Just remember, he loves you with all of him heart. He will never hurt you intentionally."

"Oh...okay..." She hugs me and sobs into my shirt. Well, I feel better talling her, ut I don;t think she feels better.

"Okay, you get some sleep okay?" I kiss her forehead.

"No! Don't go uncle!" She exclaims whispering. I can't see her hurt like this.

"Okay." I sit back down against the headborad and she buries her face into my shirt again. Yup, she needs me. I embrace her into a hug with a tears escaping my eyes, "Mona, it's okay."

"Yeah I know, but for some reason I am brokenhearted over eveything and I don't know why. I shouldn;t be." She cries harder. I try and calm her down by rubbing her back.

"I know honey, I understand." Before we know it, we cry ourselves to sleep in that hugging position.

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