Chapter Thirty Eight - This Is Surreal

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(Summer's Point Of View)

Dad, Pete, Patrick, Andy and Joe are still not back yet. It has been three days exactly. I hope to Brendon they're okay. Mom, Mona, Jordyn and I are all worried sick at this point. We all just force ourselves to believe they are perfectly fine, but we know different. They wouldn't be gone this long without informing us first. Well, according to Mom anyways.

All of us have been out doing something to get all of our minds off of it. Today, we decided to go to the mall.

"So...what store first?" Jordyn asked.

"Hot Topic!" Mona and I exclaim at the same time, "Jinks!"

"The let's go girls." Mom says laughing, "I still think you two are long lost twins or something. You guys are exactly alike. I still think Patrick and Brendon had a case of male pregnancy and had twins."

"I think you're right Sarah." Jordyn says laughing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mona and I say at the same time, has a look of confusion.

"You guys are so much alike that...never mind. Only Mona is not insecure and well like Patrick and you Summer, you're all full of your hair and well like Brendon, but you two still act alike." Jordyn explains.

"What's male pregnancy?" I ask.

"That stuff isn't real. It's make believe." Jordyn says.


"Well we she go to Hot Topic!" Mona yell grabbing my arm, dragging me.

"Whoa! Calm down!"

"No, that's not how the song goes. It's goes," Mona stops, faces me and starts singing and starts dancing exactly how Patrick would, "Whoa! Where did the party go?"

I shrug, "Oh what the heck," I start singing and dancing along, "We're ending it on the phone."

"I'm not gonna go home alone!" She sings.

"Whoa! Where did the party go? Na na na na na na na na na na." We both finish at the same time, falling on the floor laughing.

"Um...did you just hear that Jordyn? Your daughter sings well." Sarah says.

"Goes the same for your's." Jordyn says.

Mona and I stop laughing and stands up. "What?" We say looking at Sarah and Jordyn.

"Oh nothing." They both say with a smile on their face, "Jinks!"

"Talk about alike. You two could be sisters. Just saying." I say walking away and towards Hot Topic.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Mona says catching up with me, she pretends to pout, "Jerk."

"It's me gift. I get that from my father, if you haven't noticed." I say with a smug expression. Fixing an imaginary tie.

"Oh, I've noticed." Mona says giggling. "It's definitely a bad thing."

"And and your sassiness! Just stop!"

"I also, get that from the one and only," Mona says taking her imaginary hat off and bowing.

"Oh let's just go!" I say walking in the store.

"I'm ready to go!  Get me out of my mind! Get me out of my mind! I know I'm ready. I think, I know I'm ready. I know, I think I'm ready I thin-"

"Hey! No singing aloud!" Someone exclaims. We look in their direction, "I'm messing with you." He chuckles, "My name is Ian and if there is anything you need help with, just call." He flashes us a smile then, walks away. He is cute, but something about him is off. Then again, I think every stranger is creepy and there's something off a out them.

"Let's go Summer." Mona says grabbing my hand and leading me out of the store.

(Mona's Point Of View)

"Let's go Summer." I say grabbing Summer's hand and leading her out of the store.

"W-Why?" She asks sadly.

"That Ian guy...I don't know and I'm not taking that chance."

"I think you're just over thinking is all. Calm down."

I sigh while stopping and looking at Summer, "Maybe you're right. Let's just go home. I'm getting kind of tired."

"Yeah." She says looking back at the store as if she was getting attracted or something.

We both tell Sarah and Mom we want to go home and with that, we leave to go home.

One the way home I think of that guy. I'm not saying he is a creep, but I got a strong vibe from him. It seems all the weirdos are named Ian. There's this one fan-fiction I read a while ago and this demented creep was named Ian. In Dog With A Blog, yes I watch Disney dong judge, and there was this scientist that was obsessed with Stan and how he can talk. He tried to get him back. Also, on Alvin and the Chipmunks, the producer dude or whatever was named Ian. Another person I know, was this guy at the foster home I was at before Dad adopted me, there was this boy, named Ian, and would bad things to me. I-I don't want to talk about it. I haven't told anyone about him, not even Dad. I rest my case.

We are back home now, watching T.V. well, the news because there's nothing else better on. Then, half-way through, a "Breaking News" shows up.

A woman is shown on the screen I front of a building, in front of cops. She starts talking, "Breaking News, lead singer and bassist of Fall Ou-" At that point I just stop watching, gets up and goes to my room. I knew something was up. I can't watch this. Once I get into my bedroom, I plop down into the bed.

They can't be kidnapped, well they can, I just hope they didn't die...I hope they are still alright. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if Dad and Pete died.

"Mona!" I heard someone scream. Moments later, they burst into my room and it's Summer, "Mona!"

"What?" I ask sitting up.

"It's Patrick." My heart sinks. This can't be real. He can't be dead.

This is surreal.

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