Chapter Fourteen - An Unforgettable Sight

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(Pete's Point Of View)

The sight of Patrick. My Patrick. It hurts me to see him like this. I wish I could get out of these straps.

Patrick, he's naked with cuts and bruises everywhere and a big gash on his right side going to his stomach, theres stitches there. His blonde hair turning red from the blood. I can't see his face because he's laying on his stomach and I wish not see it either. This is the only time I hate seeing him naked. If you still get turned on seeing your loved one hurt, then you are sick bastards. I don't know how you can live with yourselves.

"Patrick!" I whisper shout. No response, "Patrick!" I say a little louder. No outcome. "Patrick!" I shout in my normal tone. I hear him groaning and see him stirring at that. That's progress. I tap him very gently with my foot and he looks up at me. Damn.

There is a cut going from his right eyebrow, his eye and down his cheek and face, eye swollen and his nose bleeding. I bite my lip to prevent a sob, I have to stay strong for him.

"P-Pete!" He weakly gets up, using me for support and hugs me, he just collapses and stays there on my chest awkwardly. I wish I could hug back and hold him, but I can't. I hear, feel him sob into my chest. I rest my head on his, "B-Babe. I-I'm s-sorry."

"Sorry for what Patrick?"

"F-For g-getting in this s-situation."

"Patrick, Hun, this is none of your fault."

"I-f I-I didn't g-go behind y-you w-we wouldn't b-be here."

"Don't blame yourself Patrick. It's okay. Sh...Sh..."

"N-no it's not. T-they d-did horrible t-things P-Pete." He weakly looks up at me.

"Oh they didn't." I say with anger. He just nods, "We're getting out of here Patrick, don't worry." With that, one of the girls walks in wearing a clown mask holding her left hand behind her back.

"Your time's up!" She grabs Patrick by the hair and throws him off of me then she straddles my legs, "Time to have some fun."

I look over at Patrick who was weakly waving his hands and points to her hand. I just look at him confused. Before I know it, she takes off the mask and starts kissing me. I give in of course. I close my eyes and deepens the kiss.

After awhile I feel her weight get off and I here a blood hurling scream. To be honest, I'm scared to open my eyes. I don't want to see Patrick dead. I then feel the shackles or whatever loosen. Shortly after I hear sobbing.

I look around and see Patrick curled up into a ball, I sit down next to him rubbing his back, "Patrick, It's okay babe."

"P-Pete," He flips around and sets his head on my thigh, "I-It's not okay, I-I just murdered someone."

"It was for a good reason."

"No it wasn't! Yeah they did things, but I still killed her. My ex wife, Elisa, Pete!"

"I-I'm sorry Patrick, I didn't realize...we seriously need to get out of here." I get up and go over to Elisa and get the key from her. Goes back to Patrick and helps him up in the process.

"It's okay Pete." He winces.

"Ready? Can you stand alright?"

"No, I-I can't."

"Okay," I pick him up bridal style, "Patrick Stump, let's get out of here."

"Yes...babe." His eyes flash red for a split second, but I ignore it.

I unlock and open the door of the room, I run out into the numerous dark hallways hoping to find an exit.

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