The Quidditch Accident

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Of course, it was another normal Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Seekers, of course, being Harry and Draco. I mean, this is a drarry one-shot right? 

Anyway, the game started as Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and streaks of red and green flew in all different directions into the air.

Harry was hovering high above the pitch, trying to get a good view of every angle so it would be easier to see the snitch.

There it was. A flash of gold whizzed past Harry's line of sight and a whoosh sounded in his ear.

Chasing after the snitch, he dipped downwards, flying desperately towards it.

Draco had just seen Harry dive, and realised he must have seen the snitch. Diving after him, the two quickly became neck and neck, both hands reaching desperately towards the snitch which was hovering only an inch in front of their fingertips.

Feeling his hand close around the cold metal, Harry let out a whoop and turned, smirking at Draco, who had a scowl plastered upon his face.

"Better luck next time, Malfoy!" he called, laughing at the angry face Draco wore.

"I'll get you for this, Potter," Draco mumbled under his breath as he watched Harry soar into the air.

And then everything went wrong. Out of the corner of his eye, Draco saw a large ball fly through the air. A bludger. Why was there a bludger in the air? The game had stopped, hadn't it? Harry won. Oh no. Oh please, no. Draco silently prayed, watching the whole thing play out in front of his eyes.

Harry was still in the air, completely oblivious to what was about to happen. Sensing something was wrong, he turned his head.

"Harry, watch out!" Draco screamed, but it was too late.

The bludger went smack into Harry's chest, knocking him off his firebolt forcefully.

"No," Draco breathed, as he watched Harry fall to the ground with no signs of stopping.

There was a collective gasp from the stands, and Harry hit the ground. A deafening crunch played in Draco's ears as he watched Harry lie motionless on the pitch, his arms and legs at funny angles.

Draco's palms were sweaty on the handle of his broom and his heart was beating out of his chest.

He swooped low and flew down next to the unconscious boy, kneeling beside him.

"No, no no no no no," he mumbled incoherently, taking Harry's cold hand in his. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't. No. Please. Not Harry.

"Harry?" Draco whispered as his eyes filmed over with unshed tears.

"Harry, please, wake up," he said desperately, shaking the Gryffindor's shoulder. He didn't care who was watching. He forgot about his Malfoy pride. This was more important. Harry was more important. Than anything.

"Out of the way!!" Madam Hooch shouted as a crowd started to gather before him and Harry.

"MALFOY! Get away from him now, you brute!" Ron shouted as he elbowed his way forward, shoving Draco away from Harry.

Hermione had her hands over her mouth, looking shocked at what had happened. Looking over at Draco, she noticed the tears in his eyes, the panic and the desperation.

"He needs to be taken to the hospital wing," he heard Madam Hooch say. "Weasley, Granger, help me."

"No!" Draco was shocked at himself, just as everyone else was. "Let me take him, please, it was my fault anyway."

Ron, Hermione and Madam Hooch all turned towards him, looking angry, confused and shocked. In that order.

It wasn't really Draco'd fault. But he felt like it was.

"Please, just let me do this."

He didn't care about the people, he didn't care what they thought. It was only Harry that mattered.

Madam Hooch regarded him for a few moments before letting out a disgruntled sigh. "Alright," she answered, tiredly. "Why I do this job is beyond me anyway," she muttered.

Draco picked up Harry, careful not to hurt any of his limbs and he walked in the direction of the castle, hearing Ron's angry splutters and the crowd murmuring behind him. He didn't care.

"Please be alright, please be alright," Draco whispered as he ran through the school corridors that would take him to the hospital wing. No one was here; they were all still down at the pitch.

Draco couldn't look at Harry. He was afraid that if he did, he'd burst into tears.

Stopping abruptly outside the hospital wing, Draco breathed hard, trying to regain his breath.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Draco shouted, walking through the doors, trembling, an unconscious Harry still lying in his arms.

"Goodness!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed as she came out of her office, and saw Harry.

"Put him down here," she said, bringing up the nearest bed.

Draco carefully laid Harry down, stroking his hair out of his eyes. The glasses were long gone. Probably fell off his face on the fall down. Could be anywhere.

Draco bit his lip. He couldn't do this.

"Will he be okay?" he asked Madam Pomfrey. His voice was hoarse and cracking and clogged up with emotion.

"It's hard to say," Madam Pomfrey answered truthfully. "I'll give him a few healing potions, but he may be in this state for a while."

What if Harry never woke up?

Draco let out a muffled cry into his hand at the thought of Harry staying like this forever. Practically dead.

Taking Harry's hand in his, Draco finally let a silent tear spill from his eye. He brushed it away furiously. He would not cry. Not here, not now.

"Mr Malfoy, I'm going to have to ask you to leave whilst I administrate the potions," Madam Pomfrey said.

"No," Draco rasped. "I won't leave him. Please, let me stay."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr Malfoy." Madam Pomfrey said, looking at Draco sadly. "You can come and visit him tomorrow.

It had been three days and Harry still hadn't woken up. Draco visited him every day after curfew, and then locked himself in his room, only coming out to visit the Gryffindor. He cried himself to sleep at night. His friends didn't question it. They knew what Draco felt. They'd known for a long time.

It was the fourth night, and Draco crept into the hospital wing, and made his way over to Harry, who still hasn't moved a muscle. He looked almost dead. Oh god.

Draco drew up a chair and sat next to the boy, the moonlight shining beautifully on his perfect face.

"Hey Harry," Draco whispered as he stroked Harry's hair. "Well, I'm back. Again." Draco took a deep breath. He didn't know what to say.

"Harry, there's something you need to know," the blond finally said as he took Harry's hand and watched his still closed eyes.

"How could you do this to me, you prat? I finally figure out I'm in love with you, and you go and do this! You're my other half, you idiot. I love you so much. Which is why I need you to wake up. Please. I don't think I could keep going every day without someone to insult. So please, you have to wake up. You will not die, Harry James Potter. I won't allow it. You can't-"

Draco's voice cracked with emotion and he broke down, sobbing. Tears ran down his face and there was no stopping.

"Harry, please," Draco cried. "I can't live without you," he sniffed.

Suddenly, without warning, Draco felt something twitch in his hand. Harry's hand.

Harry's eyelids fluttered open and Draco gasped.


A/N: I might do a part 2 if it's requested enough :)

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