Part 3

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Black Butler in a nutshell:
Ciel: Kil dem Sebatin
Sebastian: Yis mi lod

Btw sorry for all the cliffhangers. I'm pretty busy but i'll try to make the next chapters longer :)

It almost seemed perfect.

He looked amazing, even taller than last time i dreamt about him. He was almost as tall as me now too.
The room didn't have much space but there was just enough room for a dance. And there was no other sound than the music and our moving feet.
And for once Sebastian didn't disturb.

Way too perfect.

"Ciel, where's your eyepatch?" I finally asked, adding another sound to the otherwise perfect moment.
Even Ciel seemed a bit annoyed that i broke the silence. In that way it didn't only seem too perfect. But also too real.

"Why would i need it?" He instead asked, not even needing to smirk because his voice sounded playful enough.

But it just made me raise an eyebrow.
Why ask such a question? I know that this probably just was a dream, but it was still the first time i ever had seen him without it on since we were kids.
I didn't even know that he still had that eye. And now it just looked so normal. Beautiful. As if the eyepatch only would ruin it.

"Well you always wear it.." I just said with a low voice, not as cute as i had sounded when asking.

He didn't answer me.
Instead he tightened the grib his hand had on my hand without taking his eyes off me.
It didn't feel perfect anymore. It felt disturbing. Something was wrong.
I couldn't take the way he looked at me anymore. It was way too intense and even though i long had wished for him to look at me in that way, i didn't like it now.

I instead looked down on our feet, which were moving surprisingly well. He was even a better dancer now. I almost felt bad compared to him. And i probably looked all nervous and weird while he had a straight face.

"Eliza-" He began but was cut off

"Lizzy." I quickly said out of habit and almost stopped dancing.
But luckily he kept going so i slowly followed back up.

"Lizzy, yes." He nodded. "You know, i almost thought you were gonna cry when you first saw me." He slowly said.


"Well get angry, scream, anything to be honest." He said.
"You have grown well." He then added a slight smile which was clear was fake.

"Why would i? This is just a dream." I said.

He looked surprised then suddenly let out a small grin. It even sounded a bit taunting.
"Yet you went along with it, knowing it isn't real."

I looked up at him and smiled, which either cut him off guard or just made him uncomtable.

"It dosen't matter. I get to see you." I said, still smiling.
"Besides what's more real than what you can feel in your heart?" I said and suddenly felt a spark inside of me.
Almost as if the old Lizzy still was in there somewhere.
But it quickly stopped when i noticed Ciel's face.

He looked annoyed. Again. Did i say something wrong?

"Well i can't really feel anything." He just said with a cold voice.
Yet as soon as he noticed i looked sad when he had said that, he almost looked as if he regretted saying it.
"I'm surprised you don't hate me. Or that you actually never did." He then said.
He didn't sound cold this time. Just empty once again. It almost hurt even more to hear him say that.

I just looked at him and slowly took my hand out of his and reached it up to touch his face. Or tried to because i didn't get to do it.
When my hand almost had reached his cheek, he let go of my waist and backed away and suddenly the music stopped.

I opened my mouth to say something but got both cut off and cut off guard.

"This was a mistake." He said and then smiled a little. "But i make those all the time, don't i?"
He backed off even more as soon as i took a step towards him.

"What are you talking about?" I said, standing still. I was too afraid that if i took one more step, he would disappear.

He didn't say anything. He just stood there, staring at me with those eyes.
I couldn't take the silence.
Just say something. Anything.
When i almost lost all hope, he suddenly took a few steps towards me. We were only about an inch away from each other.

"Lizzy, listen to what i have to say because i will not repeat myself. I'll give you two choices, understood?" He then whispered.
The black butler was about to open his mouth to say something but weren't allowed to speak.

"My lo-"

"Silence." Ciel hissed at him, almost like a snake.
Sebastian closed his mouth and Ciel turned his eyes on me again, waiting for my answer.
I nodded.

"Very well." He said and swung his arm out in a sudden movement, which the door on the other side of the room that i had entered from, opened.
"You can walk out now, forget all about this dream. But then you must let me go. You will not even be allowed to ever say my name again.
And if you won't then i'll erase your memory." He started and put his arm back down.

I swallowed. "How will you even do that?"

Ciel just looked at me and suddenly his eyes turned red again and i almost felt my heart stop.
"Ways." He said. "I will explain everything to you after you have choosen."

I nodded "I understand. And the second option?" I asked and his eyes turned back to dark blue again.

He waited a little while before he answered, just looking at me as if he was not sure if he wanted to tell me.
Which made me even more curious so i stayed quiet and made sure there was no he could get out of this.
He then sighed.

"Make a contract with me."

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