Part 4

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Has anyone noticed how emo Ciel really is? Like
Someone: The weather is kinda cloudy
Ciel: Not as cloudy as my heart
Btw does anyone feel like either writing or reading a CieLizzy fanfiction where they are LadyBug and Chat Noir? I noticed they have the same hair and eye colors 😂👌 Please comment what you think lol

A contract?
What did he mean by that? I guess this really wasn't a dream after all.

"Ciel, i don't even understand you are here of where here even is but what can a piece of pape-"

"Not a paper contract." Ciel cut me off by saying.
"A demon contract."
And once again, his eyes was glowing red.

Demon? But Ciel was a human. He had always been a human! What was going on? This didn't feel right...
I backed away. This wasn't Ciel. It couldn't be.
I closed my eyes when i suddenly felt tears wanting to come. This wasn't real.
When i opened them, i saw Ciel reaching out to grab me but i smacked his hand away from me with a piteful girly hit.
I tried backing away more but my back hit something and it wasn't the wall.

"Lady Elizabeth, please remain calm. The young lord has no intensions of hurting you." Sebastian said.

I slowly turned around to look at him and i suddenly understood more.
Those red eyes that Ciel. Sebastian has always had those.
I suddenly felt a rage inside of me. This must be his fault somehow.
He just looked at me with a calm expression. That bastard.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!" I screamed and started to hit him. Or tried
As soon as i touched him, he quickly grabbed my arm. And his grib was strong. He had to be stronger than Ciel. Even though it probably wouldn't have done anything if he weren't because i had never been good at fighting without swords.
I tried to get out of his grib but it didn't matter. And it was easy to see that we weren't even trying.
Ciel walked closer again.

"Lizzy, listen to me." He said.

"Are you really a demon?" I whispered while a tear rolled down me cheek. "Have you never been human?"
Ciel gently touched my cheek with his finger and wipped the tear away.
This made me think about all the times that i had cried in front of him like a child.

I have. I was born human." He said and this made me look at him again.
He sighed. "Sebastian, give us some privacy."

Sebastian let go of me with a "Yes, My lord." and walked out of the opening that Ciel has appeared from earlier.
My wrist were all red now. And it even hurt a little.
Sebastian was stronger than he looked, i had somehow always known that but if he really is a demon, i guess it made more sense.
Ciel touched my wrist and sighed again.
"Even after two years, you're still so fragile." He said with a low voice.
It somehow made my both feel stupid and blush at the same time.
I didn't say anything. I just stood there, looking at him while more tears suddenly appeared without my control.

"A-ah, don't cry again!" Ciel said and tried to remove them when i suddenly hugged him out of nowhere.
"L-lizzy?!" He said a bit startled.

"I missed you so much." I cried into his shoulder.
"Why did you leave me? Was i such a bad fiancee? I'm sorry Ciel, I'm so sorry..." I continued to cry.

He slowly and kind awkwardly returned the hug.
"Lizzy, it has nothing to do with you. Alot of stuff happend after my parents death and...i was weak." He said as he tried to calm me down.
"..I'm sorry Lizzy."

We stood like this for some time.
Just hugging each other. I couldn't even remember the last time i had hugged someone.
I could feel Ciel playing with my blond curls and i kinda wanted to laugh but didn't. This boy really had no idea of how much i cared for him.
After a while i broke the silence.


He didn't really say anything like that.
Just a "Mmm?"

"Do you love me? Or actually have you ever loved me?" I asked.

"I-uh....what?" He said probably getting surprised over the question.

I didn't say anything because i knew he heard me.

" was complicated back then Lizzy. I was complicated." He just said, sounding kinda annoyed with himself.

It's not like i didn't see some kind of answer like that coming.

"What about now then?" I asked.
Because i did wonder. I mean what else would the reason for him to even give me such choices? Because he felt bad for me?
He didn't answer. With actual sentences that is.
He just kept mumbling stuff such as "It's complicated" or "I haven't given it much thought like that" or just stutter.
Somehow it made me smile. He hadn't changed much either.
Then he just gave up on trying to answer me.

"Two." I then said and stopped hugging him.
I now had my arms around his neck while smiling at him. I was still taller than him. Well i also had heels on but still.
He looked confused.

"Pardon?" He said.

"Two." I repeated. "I'm choosing second option."

He looked surprised but tried to cover it up. He then let go of my wrist.

"Very well. I will then serve y-"

"No." I said crossing my arms.

"What? Didn't you just sa-" He began in an annoyed tone but i cut him off again.

"I don't want a butler or servant.
I don't need a loyal dog. I need a caring lover. A husband." I said.
"I wanna get married."

He first looked like i might as well had spoken in another language but then smirked a little.

"You wanna marry a demon, Milady?" He asked and took my hand.
"Haven't your parents ever told you not to play with fire?"

I nodded. "Yes. That is my final decision. I want nothing else." I said but it suddenly got me to remember that i only was 16 and he was 15.
Was that really okay?

"Don't worry about the age matters." He just said as if he could read my thoughts.
I nodded slowly.

"But i must ask, is this really want you want?" He asked. "There is no going back and once you either get tired of the contract or the marrige falls apart, i will claim what is mine." He said.

"Which is?" I asked.

"Your soul." He answered.

I swallowed but nodded once again.

"Very well." He then said and started to lift up my dress.

"W-what are you doing?!" I asked.

"Leaving the contract mark. It has to be where no one will see it." He just said.

I took my dress down again and was about to get angry at him for even lifting it in the first place but suddenly stopped.

"Your eyepatch..." I said.
He nodded.

"But excuse me. That was very unproper. Maybe my dear wife wants to decide where her mark shall be?"

I thought for a moment. Where no one would see it?
I then pointed at the bow on top of my dress, that was a little bit away from both my neck and chest, which i knew always would be covered.
He just nodded again and slided the dress a little bit down.
Too much, if you ask me. Had he done it just a little more, i would have said something.
He ran a finger over my soft pale skin which made me shiver a little.

"Will this hurt?" I asked.

"Most likely." He said and smirked again and all i remember from there on, was darkness until i woke up.

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