Part 7

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You know your life sucks when you have Tanaka's look, Grell's flirting powers and Ciel's social Skills.
Anyway heres a new chapter children.
Sorry if it's a boring chapter. I'm trying to follow a storyline.

I sighed. I was so bored. There was nothing to do here alone. I flipped through the pages of the book i was reading. Or had been. Because i had honestly not done anything the last few minutes but stare into the air. I sighed again.

When were they coming home? It wasn't long ago that i had eaten lunch and Ciel promised to be home early today and spend some time with me. I had also noticed that he wasn't overworking himself as much which usually was a good sign. Maybe the case he was working on was almost over.
I wondered what it was about though. He really didn't tell me much about his job as the Queen's watch dog.

I played with the little bit of my hair that was hanging down. It was weird to have my hair up but Ciel said i needed to start dressing more mature.
Well i wasn't really surprised. Mother had usually told me the same.
But i just didn't seem to be able to get used looking to boring.
There was almost no color on this dress at all.
I was about to sigh a third time when i heard something from downstairs.
It had to be them!

I rushed up from my seat in a very unelegant way, quickly stopped to look around and make sure no one actually saw that and then ran down, almost forgetting to put the book back.
But when i came down Mey-Rin stood in front of the door that wasn't very open in the first place.
Wasn't it them?

Not that i thought about it, it did sound more like a knock but i just assumed it was them since there wasn't many guests here.
Not that Ciel seemed to mind.

I slowly approched the door and ended up scaring Mey-Rin a little now that she seemed so busy with whoever it was.

"Wah! Oh goodness Lady Elizabeth i'm so sor- "

"It's okay." I stopped her. "Who is it?"

Mey-Rin didn't answer. I'm not sure she knew. Instead she just moved a little to the side and opened the door a bit more.
It wasn't either of them. It was a man. But not someone i had seen before.

He was wearing a long black coat and a black top hat. And his face looked rather normal yet i couldn't seem to tell his age but i was sure that he was older than Sebastian. Even though i didn't know Sebastian's age. But there was still something about him that i didn't like and as soon as he put his eyes on me, it wasn't hard to tell why.

"Is Earl Phantomhive here?" The man asked somehow a bit offended that it wasn't Ciel that answered the door.

I shook my head. "He isn't here right now but i can give him a message if you tell me what this is about?" I said trying not to stare back the way he did with me.
It wasn't anger that a lady answered the door instead or a confused look to who i was but just straight up hate in his eyes.
He looked up and down at me and then asked me a new question rather than answer mine.

"Who are you exacly? You aren't a maid, i can tell that much." He asked with a rude tone but then suddenly changed his whole expression.
Not he looked a bit amused. Yet still with hate in his eyes.
"Don't tell me that cold bastard actually has a wife." He then said said with a small grin.

What a rude man! Was he someone that Ciel was working with? If yes, i could kinda understand why he was moody when he got home.
But i held my posture. This idiot couldn't get me worked up over his childish words.

"Well anyway he isn't here right now so please remove yourself from our home. I can tell him that you have been here but that's all i can do." I just said like how my mother would have sounded.

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