Part 8

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Lizzy hugging someone: I like you so much!
Ciel hugging someone:...You can let go now..
Sebastian hugging someone: Your skin is amazing. I can't wait to wear it.
This chapter is long so i will most likely split it into two parts but since its vacation this week, i will update again in a few days. :)
Might also do a halloween special later on. Idk yet. Enjoy.

The hours went by slowly this evening as i tried to pick out a dress that Ciel approved of. I tried to pick one that wasn't too colorful because i knew he wouldn't like that but he had shot them all down one by one anyway.
I was also trying to make him wear just a little bit of color for once as well.
Today was the day of the ball and even though i had been excited all day, i was already feeling tired from this.

I was just lucky that Sebastian already had found us masks that we could wear so we didn't have to fight about those too. It was a masquerade ball after all.
Such a fun idea!

"It's so cute Ciel! Why can't i wear it?" I asked once again, sounding like a child while holding up the sky-blue and white gown.
I wasn't giving up. I wasn't just going to wear a boring black dress for once. And neither was he. Not tonight!

"You are acting like a child, Elizabeth!" He answered with an angry tone without actually answering my question.
Not that it would change anything.
It would just have been "You are too old for all these colors!" or "My wife can't dress like this." Or something like that.

"Lizzy." I just pouted as he sighed and sat down on the bed.

"Why can't you just wear something normal? I don't even know if this is safe or not..." He mumbled while looking away.
I gave him a confused look.

"What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with you or your work." I said as i saw he already regretted saying what he just said.
I put the dress on the chair and sat on his lap.

"You are too paranoid, you know..." I whispered while resting my head on his shoulder. "Why can't you trust people more?" I asked.

"Because people are dangerous and selfish." He shot right back at me. "They are never up to any good and they never do anything unless they can get something out of it themselves."
I pouted once again.
"Well i mean..." He started and i looked at him. "You aren't like that."
I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You aren't either. Are you?" I asked with the smile still on my face.
He was quiet at first.
He then took my hands and kissed them with his eyes closed.

"You are my rare gem." He whispered, making me forget all about the thing i just asked him.
I snuggled closer into his chest and closed my eyes as well for a moment.

"Ciel?..." I whispered.

"What is it?" He whispered back, sounding a bit nervous for some reason.

"What about the black and green gown?" I asked with my voice sounding sweeter then honey, hoping he for once just would say something else than no.
He smiled.

"The dark-green one then." He said as i felt a little spark of joy inside of me.

It took only about one and a half hour to get ready after that. With both my gown and hair that is.
But it was all worth it when i looked into the mirror.
I had a black and dark shade of green velvet lace gown on with the top of my gown that was shaped like a heart. Then matching heels that wasn't too tall since Ciel still was about one or two inches shorter than me when i wore heels.
My curly hair was mostly down in a mature and elegant way with two long braids from each side going around my head.
I put on the black gloves and was about to put on the green butterfly mask when Ciel put something around my neck.
It was a necklace with a green stone. It was so beautiful.

"Perfect." He said.

"Where is this necklace from?" I asked as i took a look at him. He wasn't too colorful but at least he didn't just wear all black for once.
He also had some green on to match what i was wearing.

"I fell for it one day and couldn't help but think of you. Even though i must say that the real thing is better."

"Real thing?" I asked as he carefully touched my cheek with his hand while i gave him his mask on.
I believe it was a cat but i wasn't sure. But it did fit him.

"Your eyes." He said and took a step back to admire me once again before Sebastian stood in the door.

"Shall we go?" Sebastian asked.

Ciel nodded and we went out to the carriage. It didn't take long before we arrived and it wasn't hard to notice that Ciel already wanted to go home even before we had sat a foot on the ground.
For some reason it always kinda amused me how bad he was at being social. He was so adorable. I took his hand.

"It will be fun." I said trying to cheer him up a little.

He squeezed my hand a little bit and gave me a serious look.
"Elizabeth. Do not leave my side, understood?" He said.

I just nodded, thinking he was being dramatic. What did he even mean by that anyway? Could i only talk or dance with him then?
Sebastian opened the door and Ciel stepped out and held his hand out for me. I smiled as i took it and stepped too down on the ground.
I was pretty amazed at how big their mansion was. I wasn't even that sure who owned it after all.
But it wasn't the first time someone had invited me to something in my parents place. They were always too busy to go to a ball anyway.

We stepped inside and was greeted by a butler and as expected, everyone else was also wearing a mask.
Why had i never been to such a ball before? What a shame. It seemed like such a fun thing.
I smiled at Ciel who still looked kinda moody.
It was clear that all he wanted to do was stand against the wall the whole night but i wouldn't let him do that.
But before we even could do anything, a tall man stepped in front of us and bowed with a light smile.
He looked friendly and i smiled back as he shook Ciel's hand.

"Ciel Phantomhive, correct? Her Majesty's watch dog. Then this must be Elizabeth Phantomhive. I almost couldn't see it was you, Milady." He said.
"They grow up so fast."

"Do you know each other?" Ciel asked.
I probably did but it was all a blurry. He had brown hair and brown eyes. At least that was what i could see since he also was wearing a mask.
He wasn't ugly or anything like that. Just ordinary. But i didn't seem to remember him.

"I'm a good friend of your parents but it has been a long time so you might not remember me that well.
My name is Scott Weston." He said.
"Pleasure to meet you." He then looked at Ciel again.

"You too." Ciel just said in a somehow awkward way.

"Well i will go greet some more guest. Please do feel yourself at home." He nodded as he left.

Ciel, let's dance!" I said and tugged in his jacket.
He sighed as i dragged him out on the dance floor.

"Please lighten up. Why do you look so mad?" I asked.

"It's my face." He just said and pouted even more.

He was still pretty moody most of the time but at least the dance was pretty fun. He really had gotten better at dancing and at one point i thought i almost saw a smile.
I moved the mask a bit up and gave him a quick peck on the nose as he suddenly turned red.
"E-elizabeth! Not here..." He said as i let out a giggle when Sebastian walked up to us.

"It seems like the word about the queen's watch dog being here tonight is spreading rather quickly. There are some people who wanna meet you, My lord. After all it isn't very often that you do take part in social events." Sebastian said.
Ciel let out a growl that didn't seem like came from a little fancy victorian boy.

"Fine. Elizabeth, stay here. I'll be back shortly." He said and left with Sebastian.

He didn't have to say it like that. I wasn't a dog. I was happy that he was trying to talk to people but now i felt kinda lonely standing here all by myself since i wasn't allowed to walk around.
But he said he would be back shortly so i shouldn't let it ruin my mood.

"What a beautiful butterfly." An unknown voice suddenly said from behind me.

My Inner Demon (CieLizzy Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant