Chapter 12

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"Hey, mom.." Naruto started, "Can you lend me some of your cloths. Mine are dirty and I also stink."

Kushina stopped stirring the Ramen and turned to Naruto with an excited glint in her eyes, "I totally forgot, Let's go shopping!"

Naruto gave a awkward smile, "No, mom. Your clothes will be fine. I rather have something your's...."

Kushina's smile dropped. She gave Naruto a saddened look and crushed Naruto in a hug.

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through. I can't take back the pain you felt in past. But I'll definitely make sure that you'll be nothing but happy from now on." She said, Stroking her daughter's head in a fond manner.

Naruto shook her head, "No, mom. Don't apologize for anything. You're my mother. I'm here because of all the sacrifices you all did for me."

Kushina gave her a last squeeze before letting go, "You won't stay here, will you?" Her face was full of grief.

Naruto let out a tired sign and shook her head 'no', "I don't belong here."

"Of course you do! You don't have to go back. You'll be happier here. You won't be pushed in misery here!" Screamed Kushina. Tears were already streaming down to her cheeks.

"No, mom. Please try to understand. My precious people are waiting for me."

Kushina face was reflecting the hurt and misery, "Are we not precious to you?" Her voice was barely above whisper but the pain was enough to make Naruto flinch.

Naruto swallowed thickly, "Of course you are. But, mom, They are also my family like you guys. They are reason my heart is not filled with pain and loneliness anymore." She took Kushina's hand and stared pleadingly in her tear filled eyes.

Kushina took her hands out of Naruto's hold and wiped her tears. She gave a defeated smile, "I-I'll bring you some of my cloths. Those people better treat you right or I'll snatch you away from them and never let you leave me." She gave a half-hearted stern look.

Naruto's eyes watered and her lips tilted in grateful smile, "Thank you."

Kushina kissed her forehead before leaving the kitchen.

Kurama...? She mentally called out.

What, brat? Can't you see I'm still recovering from that chakra loss. Kyuubi yawned.

Sorry, But how exactly are we going to go back? She anxiously bit her lip.

I covered that. I would need all of my chakra back. That would probably take several weeks.... was his reply before going back to sleep.

Naruto rolled her eyes at her companion's laziness. She blinked and Saw Kushina standing in front of her with cloths in her hand, Concern visible on her face.

"Are you alright? I was calling you for five minutes."

Naruto gave A sheepish grin, "Sorry. I tend to do that when I'm talking to Kurama."

"Oh. You do that often?"

"Well, not really but sometimes he's so nosy that he tries to comment sarcastically on my every thought." She said a mock irritation.

No I don't, you lousy brat. Kyuubi grumbled.

Naruto took the bundle from Kushina's hands and went to bathroom, Kushina showed her.

Unaware of the guests Entering Konoha.

Minato was alerted about their arrival. The door was Knocked.

"Come in." The door opened and Two people in Standard, Suna anbu uniform entered. They stopped at the door and The Kazekage, Subaku no Rasa, His wife, Subaku no Karura and his three children, Kankuro, Temari and Gaara entered respectively.

"Hokage-dono." Rasa grunted. Kagura smiled politely. Temari and Kankuro bowed respectfully but Gaara remain in different.

"Welcome, Kazekage-dono. I hope you didn't face any kind difficulty while coming here. I apologize for asking you to visit urgently." Minato smiled. He may be smiling but he was oozing Intimidating aura that demands respect and submission.

Rasa, Gaara and one of the Suna anbu seemed in different while others trembled a little.

"I was quite curious about your invitation for bringing my family, especially Gaara." His voice was hard.

Said boy gave no signal of acknowledgement to his name.

"Yes, you see... Something unexpected happened. Calling you all here was important. As For your youngest son, He was personally asked for." Minato noticed Rasa tensed and continue, "Before I explain everything, why don't you all rest a little. You all must be tired because of the long journey. I have already prepared the place for you to stay."

Kakashi appeared out of nowhere, "Inu, show our guest, their quarters." Kakashi bowed and walked out.

Rasa glared, "I hope you are not trying something. It would be a great inconvenience to loose the alliance with leaf." His threat was not lost on Minato.

The blonde merely grinned, "Inconvenience indeed..." Rasa huffed before turning and walking out after Kakashi.

The sand-nins followed the Silver haired Anbu and Their Kazekage. The Suna anbu followed not far behind.

Kakashi led them in the Luxurious Building. He stopped and bowed respectfully, "Please tell us if you need anything." And poofed away.

The two Sand Anbu jumped in and search for any kind of threat before tell them to enter.

"Keep an eye on the surroundings." Rasa ordered and went inside.

One of the two Anbu took of his mask, causing a messy red hair coming to the view. His hooded, hazel eyes scanned for threat. After a while he covered his face and head again.

"I'll go and scout for any kind of danger. Yashamaru, You stay here and guard."

"Hai, Sasori-sama."

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