15: Save The Last Dance

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Sollux's POV;

"Are we actually doing this?" I looked at everyone as we got into cars. Feferi and Aradia nodded, taking up the front seats.

"It'll be fun!!!" Feferi grinned, "Right Aradia?"
Aradia nodded, "Yes. It'll be a laugh to see everyone sing terribly- Well, except for our superstar right here." She motioned to Eridan.
"H-Hey!" He flushed, "You don't gotta make a big deal about it!"

Karkat laughed, "This is gonna be fun.."

"Damn. I'm gonna whoop all your asses. I bet I can sing better than anyone. Even Ampora."

Eridan laughed, "I'd like to see you try, Strider.." He crossed his arms, looking over his shoulder to him, "You can't lay a finger on me. I didn't get famous for looks may I remind you. I'm handsome as hell, but I have talent. Your looks aren't gonna get you anywhere, Dave."

"Ooooooooh!" I laughed, "Get rekt, Dave!" I grinned and gave  Eridan a high-five. Karkat giggled and patted Dave's back.

"I suggest we all pair up with someone and sing.  Duets should make everything more fun. Karkat and Dave can be a pair. Sollux and Eridan can, and so on!" Feferi smiled

We all looked at each other. Eridan and I looked at each other, "Do... Do you want to?" Eridan flushed.

"Sure." I smiled, "It should be fun I guess? You can pick the song too, just none of your own, alright?"

Eridan laughed, "Deal."

"Then it's settled." Aradia smiled and Feferi drove us to the karaoke bar. In the other car, Jade was driving.
When we arrived, we all walked to he front. We met with the others.

"Man, I wish the others were here.." Gamzee sighed, "Imagine Equi bro singing?"

"He stayed with Nepeta to comfort her about what happened." Tavros mentioned, "Same with Vriska. She and John are apparently having a Nic Cage Movie Marathon. I think she invited Terezi too."

"That makes sense.."

"Well, let's go in then. Shall we?" Kanaya smiled and held the door open for everyone. We all walked in and the place wasn't too packed or too empty for a night like this. It was just right.

"I'll go hit the bar and get us drinks.." Dave walked over, Karkat following him.
We walked over to the Karaoke station and sat down. We all started conspiring in making Karkat and Dave sing first, and pick the song. Once they came back with drinks for us, we forced them up on stage to sing. They changed up some of the words.

When it was over, Dave dropped the mic and we cheered.
Both boys on stage laughed at themselves and gave each other a hug before getting off of the stage.

Aradia went next.

By My 2iide (Erisol)Where stories live. Discover now