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Brooklyn POV

Friday rolls around as I impatiently wait for school to let out. Today's the day that Josh and I are going to go to that skyscraper.

I fiddle with my fingers and watch the clock's second hand tick.

Finally, it hits 3:00.

Along with the other students, I stand up and gather my books into my backpack. I head to my locker to get the things I need for homework.

"Hey Brook!"

I turn to the voice I know all too well.


"I'll meet you in the lobby at 5:30. Here's the address."

"Sweet, see you then."

He hands me a slip of paper with the address scribbled onto it and walks off.

"Today's the day, isn't it?" A girl asks.

I turn to her and realize it's April.

"Yeah, and I couldn't be more nervous."

"He's your best friend, other than me of course."

"I have no reason to be nervous, it's not like anything will happen. Right?"

"Well personally, I'm hoping he makes a move, but we'll see."

"Okay then, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We walk to the law firm like usual. Once arriving, we walk to the front desk and greet Mrs. Betty who is back from vacation.

"Hi Mrs. Betty! How was your trip?" I ask.

"It was wonderful! I got to spend time with my best friend and her six month old daughter," she responds.

"That's fantastic!" April exclaims.

"Awe, babies are cute," I smile.

"What about my favorite girls? What are you two up to?"

April perks up, "Brook is going on a date today!"

"It's not a date, it's a hangout," I correct.

"Oh, is it with that Josh boy?" Mrs. Betty questions.

April nods and Mrs. Betty continues, "I always liked him. You would make an adorable couple!"

"Wouldn't they?" April agrees.

I roll my eyes, "It was nice catching up, but I need to do homework before I meet up with Josh."

"Woah, Brooklyn doing homework on time, what a rare occurrence," April teases.

I dismiss her comment and head into the office that April and I usually hang out in.

Immediately I set my stuff down and start on my math homework.

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