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Jacob POV

"Hey, London!" I greet, pulling her into another hug.

She gives me a warm smile, one that easily captivates me, and says, "It's so surreal to be meeting you guys!"

"Awe, trust me, meeting you is just as special," I return the smile.

London looks down with her cheeks tinted in pink.

"So," I ask, "Are you from New York?"

"Yeah, but I live in Albany."

"Oh, so you probably haven't met Tori, Brook, or April."

"No, but they seem sweet."

"They are, you'd get along with them well.

"I'd love to get to hang out with them sometime," she says, her eyes shining with hope.

I can't stop myself from smiling around London. She is just so sweet and positive. We take our pictures and I'm sad that she has to leave so the line can keep moving. She gave me her twitter name though so I'll have to DM her later.

Brooklyn POV

The meet and greet was over and almost all the supporters were nice to us. It was strange, but nevertheless an amazing experience. Now it was time for the performance thing. I'm pretty hype.

"You ready?" I ask April.

With all that has been going on, I haven't been able to talk to April or Tori one on one as often. Hopefully I'll be able to hang out with them more often on this tour.

"I think so. This whole trip has been wild, but amazing."


Victoria POV

"Hey, Tori. How was the meet and greet?" Weston asks me, slinging an arm around me.

I lean my head onto his shoulder, "It was actually really great. Your supporters are so funny and caring. Quite a few of them actually said we'd be cute together."

"I agree with them," Weston chuckles.

I laugh with him and we head over backstage.

Everyone explains to us how these events work and that we can come on stage with them if we want. The three of us decided to observe from behind the stage for today.

"Suit yourself," Mark shrugs and heads over to Zach, Loren, Mario, and Ariel.

The show is happening and the connection between them and the supporters is insane. It's clear that our friends really care about these lovely supporters and want to get to know them.

"Okay," Jacob says, "What do you guys think? Should we bring five of you up here?"

The crowd screams in agreement and Mark, Blake, Hunter, Brandon, and Jacob hop off the stage to bring up five people from the crowd.

They bring up four girls and one boy and everyone goes around giving hugs.

The crowd starts chanting something I can't make out, but then it becomes clear what they are saying.

They're shouting our names.

Brooklyn POV

"Tori! Brook! April!"

Oh my, what are they doing? The crowd continues to chant our names, and we look at each other with blank stares.

Loren speaks to the crowd, "Do you guys want Tori, Brook, and April to come up here?"

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