~ Chapter Nine: ESME

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Chapter Nine


My heart was pounding. I was a bag of nerves. Then I tried to argue with myself. Why was I so scared of meeting a few people?

Uncle Leo must have sensed my panic. He rested a steady hand on my shoulder, but he looked awkward. "Don't worry, Ezzy."

I frowned. "What did you just call me?"

A blush creeped across Uncle Leo's dark cheeks. "Sorry. I used to babysit you a lot, as a kid. You were really young and you couldn't say Esme, so we settled on Ezzy. Kinda keep looking at you as that dimpled blonde green-eyed girl."

I went scarlet, too. Before I could say anything, we'd arrived at a door.

"After you, Ezz-" He paused. "Esme."

I grinned. "I prefer Ezzy."

Uncle Leo smiled, and I had a feeling that I'd finally found someone, other than Nero, who I could really trust. The door swung open, and I was given a view of the four Bornes.

They were all just sitting there round a white table, like in a cafeteria. Three guys and a girl, as I had been previously informed. They all looked up. They'd been expecting me.

One of them was black, tall with a short buzz cut. He wore a slim white tee that emphasised his impressive body, and khaki shorts. He threw me a casual smile, showing his dazzling white teeth.

The girl, who must have been Zarah Venjovi, was very very pretty. She had bright blue eyes and long blonde curls, right down past her shoulders. She grinned at me like I was her new best friend - she was probably grateful for another girl, after a month with all the guys. She was thin and curvy and gorgeous. I was sure I'd like her, but I'd never get over being envious of her. She looked like your typical Californian surfer.

Another boy, fairly short, was kind of like Nero; good-looking, but nerdy. He had a red checkered shirt over a grey t-shirt and skinny jeans, and a mop of curly auburn hair. He had square black glasses but they suited him. He looked intelligent, and observant. He waved over nervously.

The last kid had cropped black hair and lightly tanned skin, with green glinting eyes and a baseball cap over his 'do. He had a soft smirk that dimpled his cheeks as he gazed up at me. I did not trust him, at all.

"Guys," Uncle Leo said, "this is Ezzy - sorry, Esme. Esme Jackson."

The guy in the baseball cap raised an eyebrow. "A Jackson?" he mused. "Interesting."

"Thank you, Adam." Uncle Leo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, she's a Jackson. Got a problem with that?"

Adam shrugged. "Makes no difference to me, Valdez."

"I've told you, it's Mr Valdez," Uncle Leo grumbled.

"Yeah. Get real," Adam smirked.

"Oi, Mr Cocky Pants," I said, "shut up."

The smirk remained intact, which wound me up. A lot.

"I'm Zarah Venjovi." The girl jumped up and placed a gentle kiss on my left cheek. I blushed at the posh undertone presented. "It's so nice to finally have a girl in the facility! You'll be sharing my dorm, Esme."

I nodded, not sure what to say. She laughed at my sudden flush of colour. "I was raised proper by my dad," she explained. "'Curtsy and bow to all the queens, kiss and hug the in-betweens.' That's what he used to say."

"Used to? Is he... gone?"

Zarah smiled. "You have a lovely voice," she commented, dodging my question. "Smooth and soft, like silk, I guess."

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