~ Chapter Twenty-One: ESME

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~ Chapter Twenty-One:


Nero. Nero Jackson.

I wanna hurt him. Beat him. Kill him.

Adam. Adam Grimshaw.

I wanna take that stupid baseball cap and twist in into tiny pieces and choke him with them. Then kill him.

Joey. Joey Clarkson.

I wanna punch his posh snooty face and make him bleed. And kill him.

Lucas. Lucas Parker.

I wanna take his hearing aids and watch him read my lips as I threaten him. Oh yeah, and kill him.

Zarah. Zarah Venjovi.

I wanna pull her blonde hair and -

No. But I can't. Dr Chadwick, my master, he says she's on our side. Another inside spy. A good guy who will be spared.

Well, so she thinks. Dr Chadwick will kill her too.

But not me. Or Kheo. We are his slaves. He is our master.

And our Lord. Our Lord Hades. He'll watch this world burn. Of which we will help him.

I giggled. I couldn't help it. Giggle, giggle, giggle.

"My prodigy," Dr Chadwick said quietly. "Ooh, aren't you delightful? Fill me in."

"My name is Esme Jackson." My voice sounded robotic. "I serve Lord Hades. The Bornes must die."

"Not Zarah," Dr Chadwick reminded me.

"Of course, Master."

Dr Chadwick beamed. "Now, Zarah will mysteriously find a note with Kheo's name on it in the corridor in which you were taken. The techno freak will be sure to look the name up, track where she went missing and head there. Zarah will, again, 'find' some clues and lead them here. You'll let them rescue you."

"I want them dead. When I see them."

"NO!" Master cried. "You'll go with them."

"I can't -"

SLAP! My cheek burned.

"YOU'LL DO AS I SAY!" Master screamed.

I nodded. "Of course, Master."


Short, but most Esme chapters will be now!

I feel bad for Ezzy, I really do, but it's relevant into this book and the next, The Bornes.

The Bornes will be written by Adam and Nero, this time. Esme, Kheo, Zarah, Joey and Lucas will ALL be in it. Hades will play a more important role. I can't reveal the plotline because it will spoil the end of The Jacksons.

Maybe, after The Bornes, there could be a third book. But I can assure you, there'll be deaths. Nobody we know and love have really died, except for Rachel. So, at the end of this book, a beloved character will die...

It will be one of the following:

¤ Thalia Grace, Hunter of Artemis

¤ Dr Will Solace, son of Apollo

¤ Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon

¤ Sally Jackson, Percy's mother

¤ Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus

¤ Jason Grace, son of Jupiter

¤ Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite

Just to state... I don't care how popular the character is or even if Rick Riordan would never kill them off. This is my book. I don't own the characters and I don't wish to, but I love writing about them and guessing their futures.

So, have a ponder!!

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~ Lauren xx

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