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Prepare for shit

Wade's POV.

Years of Mark leaving us behind. Matt and I always thrown in prison. Escapes. Beating down guards. For almost five years that's what I'd had. I was only eighteen, Matt seventeen, and we had already escaped six times from prison. Matt and I were ready for revenge.

We were trekking through the forest, having just escaped from the Guard's hands again. Just scouting out Mark Fischbach. We knew he had come beyond the place where we were boxed in, we had discussed this in the depths of the dungeon. Matt and I always had each other's backs.

We couldn't say the same for Fischbach.

As we hiked through the Kingdom limits, we caught eye of a cloaked young man walking with a basket. He looked to be on a mission, a determined pep in his step. His dark cloak covered him from head to toe, and a small beard showed. Blonde and thin, we caught up to him, Matt pulling out Mark's WANTED poster.

"Excuse me, sir, hate to bother you, but we're looking for someone." Matt said, stopping the man in his tracks.

"So am I." He responded. He pushed past Matt, and I stepped in.

"His name is Mark Fischbach. You've probably heard of him." I explained.

He tilted his head at us and smiled. "That's who I am looking for, too. I happen to know where he's going."

My mind perked up, and I felt Matt breathe faster on the back of his neck. We looked at the man, expecting more. This could be our chance to get Mark once and for all! After years of being backstabbed!

"He took the tunnel from Freddy Far Bear's." The man said, smirking.

"Oh, perfect, that leads into the valley, we've taken it." Matt said. We nodded and led the man with us. He seemed trustworthy enough. And ready for a walk. Not a long journey, but sweltering in the 8am sunshine. Not that we knew the time.

By the time we got there, the man, who's name we had learned was Felix, decided to go another way. He said he had to find some other things. We parted ways and left him to his business. We didn't care, we would find him again later if we needed to.

We found where the tunnel ended, and took the second, much shorter tunnel that connected with it. The end was boarded up, like it always was, and we opened it up with our swords.

The sunlight blinded us, as before it was covered by the greenery, but in the valley it scorched, and we held our hands at our eyebrows to observe the scene. A young man with green hair stood on the water system, a rope around his waist. He seemed to be cheering someone on. A dead horse lay at the bottom of the cliff, and up top was Mark, battling it out with Jordan Maron, one of the best Guards in the Kingdom. We could see the green-haired man throw Mark a rope.

We knew what was happening. Matt and I ran into his trajectory line and drew our swords. Ready to slice him to ribbons. We watched him jump from Jordan, knocking him out. Mark swung down, not even seeing us until the last second. We jumped up to cut the rope, just as he came low enough, and we missed it!! Fuck!! We almost had him! We saw him climb up the cliff face and run off with the green-haired boy.

Well, shit. Matt and I were stuck. We knew that Felix had wandered off towards Corona Square, maybe we could catch him. He did walk pretty slow, and he wore a huge cloak, so it was easy to point him out.

"Did you want to chase down Felix?" Matt asked.

"I guess, I mean, it's not like we have any other leads." I said back, shrugging.

So we left, leaving but the broken boards behind us, an open path ahead. Searching for this Felix man, we came across a shop, that sold clothes and boots and attire such-a-such. Matt needed some boots, as his were close to scraps from years of running. Usually in Disney movies clothes are perfect, but not in real life. Or in this piece of fiction. Stop putting idealistics on clothing and think for real. This has been a PSA message from the author.

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