Or Maybe Not

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Mark's POV.
I held Seán close, his tears steaming down his face. We heard footsteps coming around, and Seán peeked up from my chest to see what was going on.

Down the halls stood a Guard. Upon instinct, I tensed up and drew my knife that I lost a long time ago. Again, instinct. I reached for it and it wasn't there. Someone else ran in next to the Guard, who had frozen in awe.

The King.

Lavishly dressed in fur and silk, he stood in the hall in dead eye contact with Seán. Seán pulled away from me and looked at his father.

I could practically hear Seán's heart race.

"Father...?" Seán said, stepping towards him. He was close to tears, no surprise there.

The King treaded towards him in disbelief. Neither of them believed it.

The hallway held silence as the two studied each other. Tears and happiness flooded them, and the only sound was my heart in my head.

"Son!!" The King shouted. Seán ran into his open arms, tears spilling down their faces. I heard a third pair of footsteps race down, and the woman I presumed was the Queen saw Seán.

"Mother!!" Seán shouted. The Queen cried and joined the hug, not even reacting correctly.

I stood watching, thinking that seventeen years had passed. Seventeen years without them seeing each other. Or knowing if they were okay. Seventeen years locked away without happiness. Seventeen years having a lost light. A lost spark. A lost lantern.

Any day now, this would've happened. It was destined.

Today was their day.

I smiled as they cried, and the Queen opened her arms to me. I waved it off and watched. But Seán grabbed me by the collar and pulled me in for a hug. The King and Queen held me close, Seán being more than close, and we all stood there for a moment.

And then my new life began.

It was announced that the Lost Prince had returned home. Seán spent a whole seven hours writing exactly what had happened to get him here so that it could be made into a legend. Seán and I continued on as a couple, and the Kingdom rejoiced.

Corona had never been so joyous. Festivities lasted for days on end, and I don't remember most of it. I don't remember Adam starting to play piano professionally, I don't remember Lady Marbles becoming Lady Solomita, I don't remember Danny and Phillip writing the legend in three hours flat, I don't remember Dwayne starting a wrestling club, I don't remember Bach start a choir, and I definitely don't remember Jack Merridew ending up kissing Head Guard Robert.

I do remember Wade, Ken, Ryan and Jordan all going around, taking down my wanted posters. I remember them congratulating me with false enthusiasm as I wore the Prince's Crown and Seán wore his. I remember Maxxias being appointed as Seán's personal horse.

I remember Gabrielle coming up to me and hugging me tightly, and she was later appointed as the Castle Cook. No surprise.

I remember Rosanna coming in to say hello to all of us, and selling her goods. She was later hired as the Castle Tailor.

I remember that Ian and Anthony remained criminals. We never heard from them, or at least we said we didn't. They came in by our orders secretly, and we laughed with them. They just stole a little and did what I did. I didn't mind. Seán didn't either.

I remember celebrating at the fountain I used to meet my friends by. I remember going back to our little hideout and extending it for future misfits.

I remember going back to the tower and burning it to the ground. Seán had gotten his small bag of things and the whole Kingdom lit it aflame.

I remember it being brighter than all the lanterns.

I remember making Freddy Far Bear's the official King's Pub, and two men new to town ran it. Rhett and Link, they were.

I remember Miss Paytas' series of...encounters...that night. Quite the lady.

But the one thing I remember most, of the four days the festivities screamed, was on the last day, in Corona Square, where all the Kingdom has gathered by the fountain, was this.

I had blindfolded Seán and walked him here, and I let him go.

"Don't take your blindfold off until I tell you to." I said.

He nodded. I got out a beautiful sapphire and diamond ring from my satchel I had kept for all my life, and knelt down on one knee.

"Okay, you can take the blindfold off." I said.

The whole Square fell into silence as Seán took the blindfold off. He looked down at me, adjusting to the light, and gasped.

"Prince Seán McLoughlin, heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Corona and rightful Prince, will you marry me, Mark Edward Fischbach?" I asked.

I didn't need an answer. He leaped into my arms and we fell onto the ground. His kiss was unlike any before, as if this is what I always wanted.

We had found our Sleeping Beauties.

And I am happy to say that we ruled together for years. Corona was a happy place at last, and I saw myself in Ian and Anthony. They were captured, but never held. Again, I didn't mind.

Corona was ours. The Prince was found. The crime was low. Felix was gone. Everyone found a happy ending. Their Happily Ever After.

And I had found mine. It was the boy in the mural. The boy in the Square. The boy in the tower. The boy with the magic hair. The boy with the wrong father. The boy with the loving spirit. The boy with the little bird, Tim. The boy who ruled with a soft voice. The boy I loved. Mine. At last.

I had told myself for years, my any day now would come. And I never really believed it. I thought love like this was destined for fairy tales, not real life. Seán and I were perfect. Inseparable. Untouchable. Unbelievable. Impossible. A match made in the skies and brought down by fate, destiny, a tall tower and a horse. That dumb horse made my life unimaginably happy.

Year after year, we threw the lanterns into the sky, and we had also started a new tradition. One that Seán had the idea for, and one we will never forget. One that will last throughout Corona's history until the end of time. One that will be legendary. Unforgettable. Indescribable. Perfect.

Instead of the lanterns being pink, yellow and orange, we had changed it up a bit.

Now, just like the Lost Prince, the lanterns, for every year to come, were blue and green.

And every year, Seán got his wish.

He got to see the lights.

I began running from the King's Guards at age thirteen. Pretty ridiculous, I know. But keep listening. It gets interesting, as the Lost Prince and I ended up as Kings of Corona.

Coming from a teenaged criminal, that's pretty insane.

Any Day Now (A Septiplier version of Tangled)(COMPLETED)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now