Mirror Mirror

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This is really sad and happy and emotional I'm sorry
Seán's POV.

I cried Mark's name as the blood poured from his stomach. He collapsed to the ground as Father Felix appeared behind him. A menacing, toothy smile taking up his face.

"Don't worry, dear, our secret will die with him." Father Felix said, evil making its way into his voice.

I screamed through my gag, trying to shake it off. Mark struggled on the ground, trying to get up, blood dribbling from his stomach. Staining his tunic. It must have gone all the way through him.

"We are going where no one will ever find you again!" Father Felix screamed. I pulled against him, though I was much weaker. I saw Tim peck at Felix's face, and he swatted him away.

"Mmmm!!!" I screamed through the gag. Tim lay on the tile, still breathing.

"Stop fighting and let's go!" Felix shouted through gritted teeth. Anger filled his tone and he pulled harder.

I shook the gag loose and screamed. "No! I will never stop fighting!! For every minute of the rest of my life, I will fight! I will never stop trying to get away from here! Away from you! I know who I am, and you are not my father!! Let me go!! Let me save him!!"

Father Felix held back. His jaw fell. "How did you find out!!!" He demanded.

"None of your damned business! Let me go and heal him! If you let me go, I, I'll go with you. I promise." I stared him right in the eye.

He breathed heavy. I looked at Mark, slumped against a support pole, still breathing. Oh, Mark, it's okay. I'll save you. Just hold on.

I felt Felix loosen my chains. I could save him! I ran over, tearing the gag off and holding my hair close to his wound. It looked really bad.

"Seán, no, I can't let you do this..." He breathed out. He was struggling to even talk.

"I can't let you die, Mark." I said. I was close to tears. I sat next to him and his arm went around me as I began to heal him.

Sunshine embedded here,
Show me what you hide,

"Seán, no." He said, trying to push me away.

"C'mon, Mark, I can't let you leave."

"I can't let you be taken away from me. I, I love you." He weeped.

I stared into his eyes. He looked back into mine. Sadness and desperation filled his. I swept my bangs back and looked at him lovingly. I needed to heal him. I loved him.

Mark leaned up to hold me. To kiss me. One last kiss before I had to leave. Forever.


I leaned down, and his arm wrapped around me. His hand went into my hair, and I could feel his hot breath and his warm, strong hands on my hair. This was it. My last time with him. One more kiss.

One more kiss.

His hands moved farther up in my hair, pulling me closer. Needing me closer. I smiled and leaned into him, happy to give him one more kiss.

He grabbed my hair, swept it to the front and cut it.

Green strands of hair fell all over his chest. A piece of broken mirror fell from Mark's hand. They turned brown in seconds, resting on his chest.

"Mark!!" I screamed. I burst into tears. I'd never be able to heal him! He, he....

He was gone.

My light. My lantern. My Mark.

My Prince Charming. 

"No!!!!!!" Father Felix shrieked.  He pulled his hood over his face, and he aged in seconds, the magic in my hair gone. I could see Tim get up and realize what was happening, and I still cried. Father Felix stumbled around blindly, and Tim pulled the rope by the window. Tripping Father Felix.

He fell out the window and I never heard him land.

I gave no concern to it. Or at least, I tried not to. I needed to heal Mark.

I tried using my now brown hair to heal him, and it didn't work.

"Mark, why.....why did you do that....I can't let you die!" I cried. I was in tears, wiping them away.

"Seán...I, I...... I love you." He moaned out. I sighed in relief, he was still breathing. I held his hands and looked into his eyes.

"Mark, please, look at me." He looked up, his beautiful eyes holding mine one more time. His mouth closed, and he smiled at me. I smiled back, and squeezed his hands.  His smile hit me hard, and it was so genuine.

But it faded away.

His head fell, and his eyes closed.

I heard him give one last breath.

I saw the colour drain from him.

And he was gone.

I screamed, and tears poured from my face faster than ever before. He was gone. My light, my lantern, my Prince! I couldn't hold in my screams, and my tears fell down my face and onto his wound. I didn't wipe them away.

I couldn't stop crying. I didn't know how to feel. My evil kidnapper gone, Mark gone, not even Maxxias was here.

For the first time in seventeen years, I was completely and utterly alone.

I felt heat from Mark's wound, and looked at it. Golden streaks of light travelled up into the tower, swirling about in flowery patterns. Mark's eyes were still closed, but the colour returned to his face. I stared at it, and I saw my tears near his bloody wound.  

My tears healed him.

The light swirled around a little longer, and it faded away. I looked at Mark, checking for signs of life.

Anything. Just one sign, a breath.

I stared at him, his beautiful face, his hair, so perfect. Chiseled jaw, strong chest, just absolutely perfect.

The even better part, his eyes fluttered open.

I gasped, and held it. He blinked, and looked around, and then looked at me.

"M-Mark?" I whispered. He was alive. My Prince Charming! His satchel was thrown to the side, and I retrieved it as he recovered. His wound had healed from my tears. When I came back, he had sat up and breathed heavily.

"Mark, I thought you were gone!"

"Hey, Seán?" He asked, tiredness and pain creeping into his voice.

"Yes?" I said. I was still crying.

"Did I ever tell you I have a thing for brunettes?"

-Selfish Froggo

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