Ropes and Swords

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^ my aesthetic
Mark's POV.

God fucking damn it! Piece of shit friends! Ahh! What in all hell will I do now?!?!

Damn it, I should've known this was coming!! My supposed friends, who are clearly after the fucking crown, tied me up to their god damned ship and sent me off!

I still had the fucking crown, but now I was tied and gagged with the crown in my satchel, headed to no where but my hanging in Corona Square.

What did they do with Seán? Kill him? Take him? Leave him be? Tie him up and send them somewhere else? Anything could've happened!!! I was so worried, I was in tears. I'd probably never see Seán again, I'd be imprisoned and hanged, and he never got to live his adult years. I wouldn't either, but that's besides the point.

I cared more about Seán than I did about me.

So as the ship sailed and hit Corona Square, I was screaming. When the Guards picked me up, I couldn't do anything but scream and kick. I needed for them to find Seán. For him to be saved. To let me go save him. Hands and armour hit me full force and I tried my hardest to get free. I needed to warn Seán. He meant too much to me at this point, I couldn't let him get hurt.

Not again.

Freddy Far Bear's was close enough. But I knew Seán would get hurt here. I just had to hope I could escape this time.

The Guards were walking me down the dungeon halls, echoey and quiet. Their armour clanked around, and their breath seemed arrogant.

"Finally, I've been waiting for this day for a good long time." One of the three guards said. I just stared at the ground. My feet were sore from all the walking and I was still red-eyed from crying.

We passed a window. I don't bother. I'm too sad to look. I'll never get to see Seán again. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Take a look, Fischbach." One of the Guards asked. He turned me so I looked out the window.

Out there stood a concrete clearing. In the middle of it, a wooden structure.

Attached to it, a noose.

My heart dropped. I was done for. I rubbed my neck in fear. This was it. This was it.

This was it.

I hung my head in shame. I only regretted not saving Seán. I should have saved him. Now, I had no idea what to do. Just, die, I guess. I knew there was literally no way I could escape.

We came up to a wooden door. I didn't remember where it led to, and after eight times in prison you'd think I would.

One of the Guards knocked on the door, and the sliding entrance opened.

Behind it, was Danny. From Far Bear's.

"What's the password?" Danny asked. He seemed a little drunk. He slid the door shut again and left the Guards next to me in bewilderment.

"What?!" One demanded. Anger filled his voice.

"Nope!" Danny said, opening the door to say so. He closed it again.

"Open this door!" The Guard insisted.

"Not even close!" Danny said again.

"I'm going to count to three or else I'm breaking this door down!" The Guard shouted.

"Still not it!" Danny said again.

"One!" The Guard shouted. The Guard on my left was pulled into a dungeon cell by someone I couldn't make out, and tossed out the cell window along with the puller. What?!

Any Day Now (A Septiplier version of Tangled)(COMPLETED)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now