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Seán's POV.

I heard the Guards call for all citizens to go to the boats for the lanterns. Oh my god, finally! I jumped up and squealed, and followed Mark, who was taking one of the small canoes. He beckoned for me to come sit, and I whistled for Tim first. I figured he should see this.

Dusk was settling in over Corona, the waters shimmering and the stars - real stars - shining bright. Like diamonds in the sky. Mark paddled out a little further, and stopped right dead centre in front of the beautiful castle. He had risked his freedom, and his life, for me. He hardly knew me! And yet, I was beginning to fall for him. Hell, I already had. He was too much.

I needed to tell him.

"You're so ridiculous, I can barely stop loving what you do." I blurted out. I shut my mouth in embarrassment, fearing rejection.

He looked at me, eyes wide.

Same went for his smile. "Thank you." He said, looking at his feet as he blushed. I knew he felt the same. His smile have him away. His trademark half smirk.

Mark reached into his satchel and pulled out a crown. The crown that he loved so much. He looked at it one last time.

"I stole this a while ago, and I believe it's meant for you." He stammered out. He offered it to me and I held it delicately. It wasn't heavy, but it had beautiful gems in it.

"Why is it meant for me?" I asked.

"Because," he said, pointing to the castle. "You're the Lost Prince."

I held the crown and looked at he castle. And I felt my heart drop at the sight before me.

One single lantern flew from the castle. Yellow and golden, it flickered until it remained lit. It flew into the sky, and I couldn't help but think that this was the royal lantern. Coming from the castle, first one, it had to be!

Yellow diamond in the sky, I looked to see the city square covered in pink, orange and yellow lanterns. The more lanterns that went up, the more followed. They flew out over the water, some right in front of Mark and I. I couldn't take my eyes off them.

"Oh my god...." I mumbled, staring into the sky. What more can I say?? It was so beautiful! I could feel teas pricking my eyes. This, was meant for me. I was the Lost Prince, and they did this each year, on my birthday, hoping I would come back. Well, I was here. I just needed to look away and run up to the Castle. I could. I probably would. But I wanted to sit with Mark first. I loved him. I couldn't deny it any more.

"It's pretty nice, hm?" Mark said.

"Yes!" I squealed. I loved this! I knew who I was. I was the Lost Prince! I needed to get home! I needed to see the King and Queen and tell them I was their lost son! Ohhh, this was too much!

"Hey, if I get thrown into the dungeon again, promise me a place in your memory, alright?" Mark asked with a chuckle.

I looked at him, confused. "Who said you're gonna be put in jail?" I asked.

"Every Guard in the Kingdom!" He laughed.

I looked into his beautiful eyes. Golden brown and mysterious. Fun. Ambitious. Criminal. I should've known he was trouble, but I guess you can't judge.

I put on my rightful crown -rightful, I really was the Lost Prince - and stared into his eyes.

"As long as I am alive, you will not be thrown into any prison." I guaranteed to him.

Mark grinned, a genuine smile. Seemed to mean a lot to him. Blush appeared on his face and he looked at the ground. I looked back, and knew I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sky. So filled with lights, some dropping into the lake. I was able to grab one and throw it back up into the sky.

These were the best days of my life. Golden days. I loved it. I loved this. I loved him. For this. Maybe more. Mark was now one of the people I cared for the most in my life.

I couldn't say the same for Father Felix anymore.

"You know, at this point, I'd do anything for you." Mark mumbled. I turned to him.

My heart raced. Maybe he did love me. Maybe I could finally be Sleeping Beauty. Well, I'd be awake, but you get the point. His mouth opened, and he said more. I listened intently, grasping each word.

"It's just, you're eighteen and are finally seeing who you really are, like, at last you've seen the light. You're my perfection, I don't know anyone who's so grateful as you. So new and clever. So adaptive. I never thought I'd stumble across that tower, and now I don't know what I would've done if I didn't. You've changed me, Seán. And I don't want to be the guy who has to fill the silence, but I think I love you."

His words sank in. This beautiful man, criminal or not, my rescuer and ultimately, my guide to Corona, admitted his love for me. I knew he knew I felt the same. There was no denial about it in either of us. This was destiny. How it was written in the stars. Should we fall or raise upon Corona was our choice. We were, finally, a tied rope. Desperate for an end, a knot, something missing. Mine was my freedom, his was his lack of it. How wanted he was, how I wanted to be wanted. And united we stood, as opposites in need, knotted together.

My rope was my symbol, I realized. I was still a loose end. Still confused and new. In need of one thing to finish myself. Claim who I was.

And now that I had this freedom from that tower, and he had a chance at being taken down as a criminal, our ends were tied.

My any day now had come.

My ropes tied.

My ends started, and my beginning ended.

And an infinite rope made.

I knew all this in three seconds. In those three seconds, he leaned forward and kissed me.

And this time, I knew it was coming.

Because at last, someone held the end of my rope. And I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Oh god the cuteness is too much.

Okay next chapter soon bye
-Selfish Froggo

Any Day Now (A Septiplier version of Tangled)(COMPLETED)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now