Chapter 16.

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~ And I've lost who I am 

And I can't understand 

Why my heart is so broken 

Rejecting your love ~ Shattered, Tranding Yesterday.

Chapter 16.

"Yes, I do." He finally said not breaking eye contact with me. This words  were enough to break me more. But that was what I wanted him to do yeah? To leave me alone. But it's so hard to believe that he did.

"Good." Zayn said harshly and after a few seconds he turned around and grabbed my hand. He was walking so fast with me behind.

"Zayn stop." I said trying to stop walking but I was ready to fall like that.

"I said stop." I said louder this time as I pushed my hand down with more pressure.

"What?" he snapped as he stopped as well.

"What happened to you? "

"No one treats my girlfriend like that. That's what happened."

"But you don't treat me any better. You are dragging me with you like I'm an item." I said. I know I may sound like a bitch right now but I can't do anything.I started to walk to a different direction just to get away from everything.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean too." I heard him say as he run right behind me wrapping his hands around my waist.It made me calm a little especially when he buried his face in my neck.

"It's fine. I just want to go home."

"I'll come with you."

"No I want to be alone and I think that you should go back because Faith is waiting." I said turning the other way to face him. I really like to see his beautiful eyes when they are calm.

"Okay. I'll call you later." He said connecting his lips with mine from a few seconds.


When I was finally at home Niall and dad were missing as my mum was sitting in the living room alone watching TV.

"Hey mum." I said pulling of my jacket and shoes.

"Hey love, how was school?" she asked with a warm smile on her face.

"It was great." I lied. It was so far from great. "I'm going up to my room."

"I'm going for shopping in a while, wanna come?"

"No, I'm tired mum."

"Okay Amy, also dinner is ready if you're hungry."

"I'm not." I said and entered in the room and instantly lied on my bed. I was really tired without doing anything.

As I was laying there I saw a papper on the night stand, I knew exactly what it was. The day when Zayn asked me to be his girlfriend I wrote a song in the night. Not a happy song. It's about everything that Harry had told me. I know I was with Zayn but I was thinking about him. I stood up and walked into Niall's room to take his guitar. When we were younger we were writing song about stupid things.It was really fun, and then we're sing to mum and dad like we were in the X Factor. He also taught me how to play guitar so we could harmonize together.

When I got back in my room, I took the papper to saw the lyrics.

" Now that you can't have me

You suddenly want me" I sang as my fingers were playing with the chords.

"Now that I'm with somebody else

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