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(Y/N) (L/N) was never the model of the grade, or the school

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(Y/N) (L/N) was never the model of the grade, or the school. She was soft spoken, sweet, caring to all her peers, and was whole hearted in the least. Looks were in her opinion average, just a little tubby. She wasn't alone or anything, no many people looked up to her. During her first year of middle school, she fell head over heels for a youthful, charming boy in the name of Kise Ryouta. She, however, was far from being the first.

(Y/N) had some classes with the said male, and would always have to sit by him due to seating arrangements. How they always ended up sitting by each other? She had no idea. However, it gave her many chances to talk to the male that caught everyone's attention at first sight.

At first, (Y/N) didn't pay too much attention to him, she thought of him as a mere boy with utmost looks. That was all. Things change though, as she talked more to the male who was willingly sweet to the female, no matter how clumsy she was. No, in fact he called it 'cute'. This of course, swayed the girl.

Throughout the rest of the year she continued to admire him from afar, too scared the fan club of his would come and make her life horrid. In the second year of middle school, she noticed his popularity raised due to him joining the basketball team. She wasn't disappointed or anything, she was very proud

Kise actually found a talent he wanted to take willingly and seriously. It however distanced them, and made them talk less. If she was ever seated by him, he would practically ignore her, and sometimes forget who she was. She didn't mind though. She thought 'He has many fangirls it must be hard to remember everyone by now.'

Therefore, she continued to admire from afar. And on the last day of middle school, graduation day, she decided she would confess her feelings. Kise's reaction however, broke her heart to pieces. Did he reject her? Yes. Rudely? Of course not. But for (Y/N) she felt worthless. His response was "Is that so? I'm sorry... What's your name again?"

He didn't say it rudely, no, but he said it like he was brushing it off, like it didn't matter. And the end, did not make it any better. Saying goodbye to her peers with tears and phone exchanges, she went back to her home in sorrow. She felt dejected, and insecure. She thought 'If I were more prettier would he of have

remembered my name?' Or 'If I perhaps talked to him more would he of have noticed me more?' From that day on she decided she would try her best to be in more shape, for her own sake if anything, and be more healthy. Maybe just a tad of makeup, but not more than 2 products. The girl wanted to stay true

to who she was as well. Here she is, the day of the open ceremony at Kaijo high, ready to start school and a new year. Maybe even forget about the blonde who plagued her mind so much. If only she could truly get away from him.

Authors Note

Starting a new story once again! Once again, the story has a theme and I'm sure you can figure it out! Yes it does seem cheesy but I just thought of it one day and thought 'why not?' So ya! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ I didn't want the reader to evolve just yet or at all and stay true to her personality so she doesn't pretend to be someone else. The story probably seems pretty cliche so far but I'm trying (⌒-⌒;

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