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~ 3rd POV ~

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~ 3rd POV ~

'Hm...?' She paused and watched as the group of girls along with the object that made them flock, completely turned the other way from her.

'What?... Weird... Why did he turn away right when we made eye contact?' She thought confused. They were both just walking to their classes, and as they were about to cross roads, they caught eye contact

and he turned the way he came. The female snapped out of her confusion and rushed to her classes before she was late, shrugging off the avoidance. However, it got to her over and over, as he did it every time he saw her. Instantly looking somewhere else, or just plain out turning a different direction, even if that wasn't where his class was.

'What on earth is he doing?... His class is the other way...' She watched as he scrambled back towards his last class. 'Why is he purposefully avoiding me? Did I do something?' She was now getting hurt at the actions the model was showing her. She just looked away and turned to her class she was on her way to.

~ Kise's POV ~

I quickly turned away from (Y/N)-cchi's eyesight, and went the opposite way without thinking. 'Sorry (Y/N)-cchi, I can't face you until I properly sort my feelings out!'. That I did, as the periods passed by, I repeatedly couldn't face her. And what hurt me the most, is the dejected and hurt face she had when I turned! 'I'm so sorry (Y/N)-cchi! Give me time!'.

It was finally lunch, and I instantly relaxed. 'Finally I won't have to avoid (Y/N)-cchi for now since she eats with Kasamatsu-senpai!' He released a sigh of relief, which caught the crowds' attention. "Kise-sama! What's wrong?" "Are we bothering you Kise-sama?" they all shrieked at him in 'worry'. "Oh no, nothing is wrong! Don't worry!" I said not wanting them to question me further.

I walked through the halls with a happy aura around me, 'Gah, I'm starving!' I thought as I walked down to the food court. Before I walked over to it, I made sure I scanned for (Y/N)-cchi before I went over. 'Man, I feel so bad doing this...' I went over and acted as usual, but glanced up to the roof. Somewhat hoping to catch her eyes again, just like we did on day one.

'No Ryouta! Don't think about it! You were doing so good!.. But.. Who would've known, the girl who caught my attention on day one, was with me throughout middle school. It's such a small world..'. I focused on being with the team, hoping to get that stuff off my head.

It was now last period, and luckily, we were still working on the projects with our partners! And then, finally it was the end of school. Since I was closest to the door, I sprinted before (Y/N)-cchi could talk to me, or the fans could catch up to me. As I entered the gym, Kasamatsu-Senpai looked at me weird. I instantly felt sweat. 'Oh no... Does he know? Is he going to ask me? Darn it Ryouta! Why didn't you think of that!'

"What is this? Kise on time for once? What next are pigs going to fly?" Kasamatsu-senpai muttered. I felt a complete wave of relief rush over me, 'thank you (Y/N)-cchi!', I thought gratefully. She arrived not too long after me, and Kasamatsu-senpai instantly walked over to her, and I thought I saw a huge smile on his face as he walked over. 'Wouldn't be surprised though...' I turned my head away and talked to Moriyama-senpai.

Practice passed through, and nothing changed, (Y/N)-cchi didn't walk up to me to ask, nothing. 'I think I can face her now... After practice! Definitely! I'll finally ask!' I thought with determination. It was finally the end of practice and we were all tiredly rushing to the lockers to change and go home. 'I need to hurry before they go home together!' I rushed out and saw (Y/N)-cchi and Kasamatsu-senpai holding hands, while getting ready to leave.

Ignoring the feeling inside me, I yelled. "Ah! (Y/N)-cchi!" This of course caught the attention of the two. "Kise? What do you want?" Kasamatsu-senpai asked, while (Y/N)-cchi stared confused. "I... I need to talk to you (Y/N)-cchi... About something really important.." I trailed off, trying not to look in her eyes.

"Eh?.. Well... Alright, I really need to talk to you as well. Yukio, I'm sorry, we can walk home together tomorrow ok?" She said, looking over to Kasamatsu-senpai, they looked as if they were telepathically communicating. 'How nice...' I thought. "Well... Alright... (Y/N), if anything happens, call me alright?" He said to her in a worried voice, and hesitant to leave. 'What does he mean if anything happens, does he suspect me to do something to her?!'

"I will, I'll text you later too. Have a goodnight!" she said as she kissed him on cheek, I just decided to look away before I could see it though. And then finally, we were alone. "(Y/N)-cchi... I... I have many things to say." "I do too, why were you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" She instantly fired back to my comment.

"No! Not at all! It's just... I needed time to think.." "Think? Think about what?.." "...First, I need to ask you something, so please bear with me." She looked at me puzzled, but nodded in confirm. "I.. I've always felt there was a familiar vibe to you, or even nostalgic! And I always wondered why.. But a couple nights ago, I looked through my middle school yearbook, and saw someone with the same name."

I looked up to (Y/N)-cchi, and I felt horrible. She was pale, and she looked horrified. But, I had to continue. "(Y/N)-cchi... Was that you? Even though you look completely different from now, I was able to remember the smallest of details in her personality, and they were kind of similar! So..." I trailed off. I noticed (Y/N)-cchi was almost frozen in shock, or even fear.

"... Yes." I had to lean in to hear her say it, since she was almost dead quiet saying her reply. "Yes... That.. Was definitely me.. So you finally remembered me?" She asked looking up to me, almost crying, which made my heart just shatter. "I.. I'm so sorry!" Before I knew it, I was already practically crushing (Y/N)-cchi to me. "I... It took me a while to remember though.. I'm sorry I didn't remember you, and I'm sorry I ignored you back then!"

She was quiet, she wasn't moving, is she ok? Did I break her? "Kise-kun... It's ok." She said, and I felt surprise wash over my features. She pulled back, and smiled at me gently. "I'm just glad you finally remembered me.. Say Kise-kun, do you remember when I confessed to you on the last day?" She asked. "... Yeah... I do.. But (Y/N)-cchi! That fits into what I wanted to say next!" She looked at me confused, and maybe even wonder?

"I... I like you! To the point where I think it's almost love!" I shouted, looking at her in embarrassment, and determination. But, she looked sorrowful, and looked at me sadly. "Kise-kun... I already love Yukio..." "I know... I know that very well... I guess I was hoping you still kind of liked me even after.. Funny huh?..." I said, trying not to let my emotions show, but I'm sure I was failing.

"Sorry... I'm sorry..." As she said that, she instantly ran away. '...This is gonna make things awkward between us...'

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