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~ Kasamatsu's POV ~

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~ Kasamatsu's POV ~

I looked in the mirror for about the fifth time today, making double checks before (Y/N) came. 'Should I do something with my hair? Part it differently? Slick it back? Argh! This is so aggravating!' I put my hair back to what it was, which was spiked up all over. 'Perhaps (Y/N) will just accept me as is... Ya! I mean, this isn't a date! All she's doing is seeing me play!

Then it ends there! There's no way this is a date... Right?' I questioned myself looking into the mirror once more, for the sixth time, and letting out a sigh deciding to drop the thought. I turned my head over to the clock anxiously and nervously, seeing it was 11:37am. 'I have about 20 minutes, maybe I should change my clothes?' I looked back in the mirror for the seventh time.

'No! Yukio, this is (Y/N) we're talking about! She wouldn't care!... But yet again, I really want to impress her...' I sighed running a hand through my hair, debating whether I should change out of my comfortable clothes, and into something more presentable. Deciding not to, I start to think about the possible conversations.

'Do I ask if she wants a drink? Or maybe if she wants to take off her coat? Ah, well it's not cold outside, but if she has one... Maybe where she wants me to play? Or perhaps if she's hungry and wants a snack?... Maybe I should be writing these down.' I decided to get out a single sheet of paper and pencil, and start to place ideas onto the paper.

~ 3rd POV ~

On his eighth idea, he hears a knock at the door, causing him to nearly throw his writing utensil in the air. Regaining his composure, he tries to stride confidently to the door, not realizing how tense he really is. Opening the door, his face instantly flushes a bright Crimson upon the site in front of him.

A stunning lady in a (F/C) floral dress, hair all done, and barely any makeup since she seems to have natural beauty. And the unforgettable bright smile she had on seeing Kasamtsu. "Kasamatsu-kun! Your house is so pretty! Just standing on your porch makes me feel amazed." (Y/N) said glancing around a bit more.

Kasamatsu gave out an almost nervous laugh, "Really? We don't even do much with our house, but thanks anyway." Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly at the girl's compliment, he then gestures the girl inside, holding the door open for her. "What a gentleman you are, Kasamatsu-kun." She said sweetly, as she walked inside.

"Hmm? Is no one home?" (Y/N) turned around slightly to Kasamatsu. "O-oh! Ya, sorry I forgot to mention that my parents are out of town for a while, and my siblings are at their grandma's house, so I guess it's just us." Kasamatsu started to feel himself sweat a tad bit due to the idea of being alone in a house with the girl he liked.

"Oh, no! It's really alright, so it really was a better idea to go here than my house!" The (H/C)-ette giggled a bit at her own statement, Kasamatsu joining in a couple seconds later agreeing. As they sat down in the living room, Kasamatsu spoke up. "(Y-Y/N), are you thirsty?" Kasamatsu wanted to go over his ideas from later, but they seemed to just leave the moment he opened his mouth.

"Ah, no, it's alright. I'm not thirsty as of now, but would I be able to take you up on that offer later?" (Y/N) asked a little playfully, in which Kasamatsu just agreed with a shaky 'yes!'. "Ah! You're probably waiting for me to play right? Sorry, I'm kind of out of it today." The black-ette said, as he practically scampered to his room.

(Y/N) only merely laughed at this behavior, and continued to observe his house. She noticed some photographs of the family, of mini Kasamatsu, in which she fell in love with, and etc. Her eyes suddenly caught sight of a white sheet of paper, hidden under a magazine on the table. Curious, she pulled it out just a bit, and laughed at what was written down.

"Ah! Y-you weren't supposed to s-see that..." He stuttered, ears starting to turn aflame, and his guitar in hand. "Don't worry Kasamatsu-kun, I don't think it's weird or anything. I actually kinda think it's... Cute in a way..." (Y/N) said, looking to the side, as her face turned red as well. Before he could say anything about that comment, she immediately jumps into the next subject.

"Oh my gosh, you really do have a classical guitar! Even a pick too!" She stared at aw at the guitar in his hands. "Ah, ya it was my dad's old guitar, and I guess I just decided to pick up on it when I was eight." "Eight?! That's so young! So you really have been playing for a while!" "W-well I guess so..."

"So... You ready?" "If you're ready, I am." "Then I've been ready." "Alright.. But don't laugh if I get something wrong, or mess up!" "I won't, I wont!" Kasamatsu took a deep breath, and got his pick ready to strum the strings. When he started, (Y/N) couldn't help but look in bewilderment, and feel hypnotized in some way towards his music.

So calming, so soft. She noticed the way his finely structured hands would strum the strings, like it was something he could do on a daily basis, like breathing. She blushed at her own thoughts, and decided to just focus on the music. When he finished, he finished off like a professional conductor, in her opinion.

For a moment of silence to soak it in, she immediately started to clap. This seemed to snap Kasamatsu out of his trance as well, causing him to slightly blush, remembering (Y/N) was here. "Kasamatsu, you have such a talent! How could you hide this?" She asked looking at him like it was common sense.

"Well... It's just I don't think I would ever be able to play in front of anyone, unless it was you or my family." Kasamatsu concluded. "Heh, so I'm a special case?" She asked him, in a teasing tone. "W-well, I-I'd say y-you are but..." She let out a little giggle at his stuttering response. "I was kidding, but It's a pleasure to be on your special list."

She looked at him in a lovingly way, in which he did the same back, but with an intense, longing gaze inside of his blue eyes. Time seemed to just stop around them, as they stared at each other, not even noticing they were leaning closer to one another. As they were at least 5 centimeters apart, her phone went off, causing both parties to jerk back surprised.

"H-hello?... Oh, mom... Ya, I know I'll be there soon... Bye." She clicked off her phone, and stared at her hands. Kasamatsu seemed to be frozen as well, just looking down with an embarrassed face. "U-um..." They both started at the same time, which caused the both of them to look at each other surprised, but laugh a second later.

"Sorry, my mom wants me to go with them to the aquarium." "I-It's ok, I kept you here for a good two hours and twenty minutes." They both started to get up and move towards the door, saying their goodbyes almost with an awkward atmosphere, (Y/N) turned around with a "Oh" catching Kasamatsu's attention before he closed the door.

Before he knew it, (Y/N) kissed him on the cheek. "I really enjoyed today, and I was thinking maybe we can have another thing like this?" She asked while blushing. "Like a date?" Kasamatsu pushed a hand over his mouth the moment it came out, and cursed himself inwardly.

"Ya, like a date. I'd like to consider it one." She said with a calm smile. Kasamatsu at this moment was stumbling, and just nodded his head feverishly, still blushing head to toe. They then said their final goodbyes for the day, and went their own ways. Kasamatsu opened his door, and slid down the wall once he got inside.

He felt his heart beating fast, sweating a little or a lot, and face was like a permanent red.

"A date..."

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