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~ 3rd POV ~

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~ 3rd POV ~

After the reunion between not only Kasamatsu and (Y/N), but the reunion between (Y/N) and Kise; though it's one sided, the two had to get back to practicing, which was what they were originally doing before the female's arrival. She figured out that she wasn't the only one that went to practice because of Kise.

'I should've known...' She thought to herself glumly. Her thoughts barely being heard by herself due to all the squealing of the fans. She thought of leaving multiple times, but she couldn't bring herself to due to the possible sadness of Kise, who wanted her personally to come and watch. During breaks Kise would try to come over to her, only to be bombarded by a swarm of fangirls.

He would always send apologetic looks her way in which she would always respond with a wave of the hand like it was nothing. After all, it wasn't much to her. During the breaks, she would talk with Kasamatsu, occasionally Moriyama coming over to flirt with (Y/N) which led him to having a harsh scolding from Kasamatsu himself.

The conversations between the two would often vary from one thing to another. For example, basketball, personal interests, sports, or subjects. They would be a bit shy around each other, but it would quickly vanish on certain subjects that make the other shine. An example of this would be when (Y/N) asked him about basketball.

You could definitely say they enjoy each other's company at the least.

~ Kasamatsu's POV ~

I feel my heart beat wildly as I talk to her about sports. 'Dammit heart! Stop beating so fast!' I think irritated, hoping that I'm not sweating too noticeably. "So Kasamatsu-kun, why'd you join basketball? Also you became captain, that's amazing!" As she looked at me bewildered, I could feel my nervousness fade away as I tell her all about my reasons.

Suddenly during my ranting, I hear a small giggle come from her which causes me to instantly flush. "Sorry, You just seem to sparkle when talking about the things you love. Like a kid," She said still giggling at me. "I-is that a bad thing?" I unconsciously slipped into defensive mode, not even realizing I did until I said it.

"No need to pout Kasamatsu-kun, that's a very good thing! That means you're so immersed and dedicated to it!" (Y/N) said with a bright smile causing my heart to continue beating out of my chest. "T-thanks I guess..." I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. Looking at the time, I realized it was already past 6!

"Practice over! Thanks for the hard work!" I yelled to the team, in which they all scampered to the locker room ready to leave. I saw Kise finally escape his fans as they let out 'Aw's and 'We'll wait for you!' 'Poor guy never gets a break,' I thought pitying him. "Well... I'll see you tomorrow hopefully? I-I mean! Not that I'm wanting to see you tomorrow! I mean I do but I-uh" I stuttered out fumbling with words, internally cursing myself for being a fool.

I just hear a giggle from her in response. "Kasamatsu-kun, do you have a phone number?" She asked looking at me curiously with a tiny blush. "Y-ya..." Curious as to where she's going with this. 'She couldn't mean..?' "W-well I was thinking maybe we can exchange numbers, but only if you want to! I'd understand if you didn't want to so..."

"A-ah yes I would very much l-like to." With that she scribbled down her number on a paper and said to text her anytime, and left. It happened so fast to me that I couldn't even keep up. 'We... We exchanged numbers!' I thought letting reality sink in. Being torn apart about whether I should celebrate or not.

My thoughts were broken at the sound of Kise's voice. "Kasamatsu-senpai! Why are you still out here? Eh! And why are you blushing so much and smiling!? Who are you?! Ow!"

'I can't believe it!'

Authors Note

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! D; I think I put it off for too long? Very sorry! I plan on updating more often to make up for my lack of updates (⌒-⌒; ) 

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