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~ Kasamatsu's POV ~

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~ Kasamatsu's POV ~

Throughout practice I increasingly noticed something wasn't right between the two. 'Are they hiding something?' I didn't want to think such thoughts but the way they're acting is too suspicious! So, I decided, I'm going to ask her after practice while we're walking home. I don't want to do this but... I'm curious as to what they're hiding.

It was after practice and we left together saying goodbye to the team. Kise's attempt was truly sad, and anyone could notice how hard he was trying. (Y/N) was too awkward around him, but so was he. 'This is making me even more curious! Argh! It's so frustrating!' I thought as I scratched the back of my head.

As we were walking in comfortable silence holding hands, I took a nervous gulp and decided to break the comfortable atmosphere. "(Y-Y/N).. I have something to a-ask you.." I said stuttering, feeling myself sweat. 'I'm sorry (Y/N), but it's really bothering me! Please forgive me if I make you upset!' I internally prayed. She looked at me curiously and replied, "Yes Yukio?" In her usual gentle voice.

"It's been bothering me, and my curiosity is getting more and more bigger. What happened between you two? Was it because of the talk you guys had after practice?" I asked, praying that she didn't get mad at me for being too nosy, and possibly breaking up with me.

She instantly paused, looking at me in what seemed surprise and horror. She then looked down at the ground, looking like she was going to cry! 'Oh god! Yukio look what you did! This is bad!' "You don't have to tell me! It's just It was kind of suspicious and I was concerned! I'm sorry..." I attempted to cheer her up and cover it up, but surprisingly she reacted different.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Yukio you deserve to know everything. It's not good to keep secrets in relationships huh? Sorry if I worried you... I... I need to show you something. But it can wait since it's getting pretty late. Are you free Saturday?" Her reply got me extremely nervous. I've seen this situation in movies, but it couldn't be right? 'Yukio what on earth are you thinking about! (Y/N) would never do that behind your back! That's horrible to even think of!'

I shook my head internally disapprovingly. "Ya... I'm free Saturday, so at your house? Or..." I tried to play it off cooly, but I bet it was in vain. "Yes, my house. I'm sorry this is happening Yukio... I really am... I didn't expect this to happen.." She said almost in a whisper voice, and I could tell she was on the verge of crying.

I instantly pulled her in for a hug, holding her as tight as I could, but being cautious as to not hurt her. I felt her arms encircle around my torso holding on just as tight as I am. I pulled one arm away to cup her face, so I could tell her straightforwardly. I whiped away her tears on her eyes, and gently caressed her damp cheeks.

"(Y/N)... Look at me. No matter what it is, I promise to continue loving you. Don't doubt my love for even a second." I looked into her ready eyes lovingly, causing her to continue to cry, but I'm hoping tears of joy? "Y-Yukio..." "Hey now, don't start crying again, I want to see you smile rather than cry." I playfully scolded her, which got me one of her bright smiles in the end.

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