T h e B e g i n n i n g

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

'And... I'm already lost. I've been looking around for about 10 minutes now... I'm too shy for my own good! Plus, the people here are taller, I can't help but feel slightly intimidated!' I feel a bead of sweat roll down my temple as I wander aimlessly.

As my thoughts swirled my head, I didn't notice a male student in front of me, and apparently he didn't notice me either. "Oof!" "Ngh." I heard another lower voice say in front of me as I fell on my bottom. "Oh! I-I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. Here let me help you up." The male said giving out a hand to help me stand. I of course took it gratefully.

During this time, I got to get a better look at the male who I ran into, and who helped me up. He had spiked black hair that shined in the sun, beautiful blue eyes that resembled that of a clear blue ocean. I felt my face flush at my dreamy thoughts, which earned a confused, and nervous, look from him.

"A-Ah! N-no it's alright, I should've looked where I was going..." I replied, internally cursing my stuttering. 'Now I probably look so weak!' "No not at all! R-Really, I'm sorry, it was my fault..." He rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand sheepishly.

The thought of our hands still being melded together suddenly brought to my attention. Instantly I looked down and felt flustered. 'I haven't been in contact with the opposite gender, other than my dad, in so long! It's only natural I'd be flustered...right?'

With a confused expression, he moved his sight down and his face automatically looked like a fresh cherry. Yanking his hand away, not too roughly though, he once again started apologizing. "U-um... My name is (Y/N) (L/N). We got off on a kind of strange start, so..."

I said, trying to gain courage as I talked. "Oh! Kasamatsu Yukio... N-nice to meet y-you..." Just before I could say another word, the bell decided to ring cutting me off on what I was going to say. "Oh no I might be late for class! Hey Kasamatsu-kun, do you know where the first year building is?" I asked in

a hurried state back to being pressured. "Oh, yes it's right over there and to the left." Before he could say anything more to me, I said thank you fast and dashed for the first year building. 'Oh no! My mom is going to kill me if she finds out I'm late on the first day!' My heart beating out of my chest as I scanned for my class.

~Kasamatsu's POV~

"Ah..." I watched as she ran off to find the first year building, realizing that my attempt fell to deaf ears. 'I wanted to talk to her more...' My thoughts brought me to blushing. 'W-what am I thinking?! I just met her! She was really nice... and pretty...' I slapped my cheeks and continued onto my grade building. "A first year huh...."

Authors Note

Personally I get lost all the time, everywhere! So I made this a bit relatable to myself (⌒-⌒; ) I'm making the chapters short I'm sorry! I'm still planning how the plot will go! Also I tend to try different ways of writing so since this is short I'm spending more time editing on things

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