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~ 3rd POV ~

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~ 3rd POV ~

Over the past couple weeks, Kasamatsu and (Y/N) have been communicating non stop whether it be technology, or face to face. (Y/N) herself would go to the team's practice every day to talk to Kasamatsu, rarely ever Kise. Every day, and every night, they'd have long messaging hours with each other until the other had to go attend some matters, or simply sleep.

Not only did the communication barrier start crumbling between them, but the tense atmosphere and nervousness has mellowed out ever so diligently between the two. When they would talk now, rarely would one of them stutter, unless of course they got flustered or bashful, which happened quite a lot, but other times they were settled. Almost comfortable as a simpler way to say it.

They seemed to open up to each other more, and let the other flutter open gently to one another. Yet, they still didn't know how to feel about these new feelings, and often put them aside for some time later. On (Y/N)'s side, she felt butterflies in her stomach when talking to her senior. Feeling her chest become fuzzy when he smiles or laughs. Always thinking about Kasamatsu, since she's constantly around him. Though she recognizes these actions, she doesn't recognize the feeling itself.

On Kasamatsu's side, he is almost certain he knows what he's feeling, but is very doubtful about the new change. He feels that he has a strong liking towards her, but he's not entirely sure if it's really what he wants to do. Advance too fast? Have the possibility of ruining their built up trust and friendship? Become awkward and never talk to the other?

Yes, this is what he is feeling, conflicted. Sometimes if he thinks about it for too long, he will try to drop it immediately and find something to occupy his attention. Keyword; try.

~ Kasamatsu's POV ~

I waited anxiously for her reply to come, staring at my messages. 'Why hasn't she replied yet? It's been 3 minutes! Did something happen? Is she hurt? What if-' I blinked out of my train of thoughts as I stared at the incoming text, pushing yes to receive.

Sent From: (L/N)-san

Time: 8:32 pm

Ya weird right? I'm sorry! I had to help my mother out with setting the table for dinner, which she said would be done in about 5 minutes. Again sorry!


I let out a heavy breathe that I didn't know I was holding in. The feeling of relief relishes within me as I immediately reply, not wanting her to think I'm ignoring her or anything.

To: (L/N)-san

Time: 8:33 pm

Ah no it's fine really! I'm exhausted from practice earlier, so I think I'm calling it a night anyway. I'll see you tomorrow (L/N)-san, have a good night.


I set my phone down and try to stifle a yawn before plugging in my phone to charge. About to hit the covers, I hear a ding signalling I got a new text. Picking up my phone one more time and opening up the text, a smile comes upon my face and warm feeling overwhelms me.

Sent From: (L/N)-san

Time: 8:35 pm

Yes you indeed work hard at practice so I can definitely see why! See you tomorrow, and sweet dreams Kasamatsu-kun.


Letting out a content sigh, I set my phone down on my stand, and drift into dreamland while thinking one sentence.

'I can't wait to see (L/N)-san tomorrow...'

Authors Note

Im extremely tired and this update is at 12:30am for me so I'm very sorry if this seems a bit weird? Anyhow, this chapter was to represent the growing of the two's relationship that I've been trying to build up ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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