Chapter Two - Growing Up

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Nearly a couple months after the first argument, late at night when everyone should be sleeping, Sirius crept into his twins bedroom, sliding under the sheets on the bed. Shaula turned her head to the side, staring into the grey eyes of her brother, watching the silver flecks flicker around his pupils.

"Why don't you ever say anything? Do you think the muggleborns are bad like mother and father say?" Sirius whispered, his voice breaking the silence of the bedroom. Shaula shifted, so she was lying on her side, facing her brother.

"No, I know the muggleborns are good people, I know they are. I just don't like arguing with mother and father... They scare me."  She whispered back, staring into the story grey eyes of her brother. He simply nodded, then shuffled his head foreword so that their foreheads touched, then closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall asleep.

Shaula laid awake for another hour, allowing Sirius' question to bounce around in her head before falling to sleep herself.

Over the next couple years, Shaula grew closer to her two brothers, acted civil towards Kreacher and her parents and attended galas, etiquette lessons, 'play dates' with potential future suitors  and tried to remain hidden in the background.

She was known as the silent, sane Black. Sirius was known as the rambunctious and rebellious Black and Regulus was the shy and respectful Black. Each sibling had their defining traits and despite what Orion wanted to believe, he knew that Sirius would be no Slytherin. However, he had hope for other two children. Walburga did not have hope however, she only had expectations that were to be met. Perfect Slytherin sons that would carry the name Black for generations for the boys and a perfect Slytherin daughter who would make a perfect wife and bear pureblood children.

On Shaula's fifth birthday, she received a black journal with silver lining and her name engraved on the front in cursive with a beautiful matching black quill with silver accents and a pot of ink. She filled the whole journal with every bit of knowledge she had of what would occur in the future in just under a month. She used her grey lace ribbon to tie around the book and kept it hidden under a floorboard underneath her bed, promising to herself to charm to book with a password once she learnt. Once complete, she asked her father for another journal for Christmas.

This journal was black with green lining and her name written in cursive on the front. This one she used to plan out events, theories and possibilities that could make not only hers, but her brothers lives easier in the future. She didn't want Regulus to grow up without Sirius and to die young again. He was her brother and she loved him so much, she knew it was selfish of her, but she wanted him safe. But she also knew she needed him to get Voldemort to use Kreacher for the locket. Otherwise, how else would she grab one of his horcruxes?

She tried to find a way to make Sirius' life easier for when he was put into Gryffindor. From thinking of getting the Potters to adopt him after the first year to manipulating her parents to believe that Sirius was going to be an inside spy and make everyone believe in the 'correct' views of the blood supremacy.

Years past, Walburga remained horrid, Sirius continued to argue for the muggleborns, Orion stayed out of the way. (Mainly in his office.) Regulus and Shaula focused on their studies and remaining in the background.

However, during many nights over the years, both Regulus and Sirius would sneak into Shaula's room and they would talk about everything. Shaula would even sometimes tell them stories about muggles and what they were like. Whenever they asked her how she knew, she would always give the same response-

"I see things in my dreams."

Although untrue, they held a sense of honesty. As her dreams were often memories of her old life as Chloe and of her old family and friends.

When she and Sirius turned eight, she began to hear whispers of a dark lord rising. Muggles and muggleborns being killed. She knew that Voldemort was beginning to gain his reputation, Death Eaters were soon going to be crawling all over the place.

That night she lay in bed, her thoughts running rampant as she thought of the coming years and who she could trust. Was she going to trust Peter? Was she going to help Severus or condemn him for acts he had commuted yet? Was she going to let the Sorting Hat choose her house without her opinion or would she ask it to put her in Slytherin or Gryffidor to be with either of her brothers?

Before she realised it, tears had sprung to her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, gasps for air from her mouth filled the silence of the room as her chest heaved. Her head ached from the lack of oxygen and she realised she was panicking. What if it all failed? What if she was killed before she could even change anything for the better? Was she going to be another Dumbledore and manipulate everything? Silent sobs escaped her lips with the only noise in the filling the room now being the occasional loud gasp for air.

In the morning she woke up with a splitting headache, aching throats and eyes that also appeared bloodshot. Her pillow was damp and stale tear tracks covered her face as bits of crust wrapped itself around her nostrils from her snot. Giving a slight cough as she unsteadily got out of bed, she speedily walked into the closest bathroom and washed her face of any evidence of last nights crying an carried on as if it never happened. No one at breakfast said anything when they saw her slightly red  eyes.

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