Chapter Six - First Day

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Shaula lay awake in her new bed, the morning sunlight from the window shining through the gap between the blue curtains around her bed. She stared at the roof of her bed, her mind blank as she tried to think about what could happen once she reaches the Great Hall.

The sound of the fellow girls rummaging around the room broke her trance. She sat up and moved her curtain back, having a look as to what the other girls were doing. Shaula shared a room with four other girls.

Pandora Fawley
Cindy McArthur
Tarren Bentley
Holly Hunter

Shaula hadn't spoken to any of them yet, but it sounded like three of the girls had become fast friends. The three were stood by the bedroom door, looking ready to go outside to the Great Hall.

"I can't wait for breakfast! If it's as any good as the food last night then I'll be putting on so much weight by the end of the week." One if the girls said, the other two laughed along and then they had left the room swiftly. Leaving Shaula and Pandora alone in the room. It appeared that Pandora was shifting through her chest at the foot of her bed, looking for something.

Shaula climbed out of her bed, grabbing her clothes and entering the bathroom. She takes a quick shower and drys her hair with a charm she learnt off Andromeda. She exits the bathroom to find Pandora sat on her bed, dressed in her uniform and seeming to have waited for Shaula. Her pale blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders, a silver headband in her hair decorated with small, dangling radishes. Shaula narrowed her eyes at it, tilting her head before shrugging and heading for the door.

They leave together in silence. Walking down the stairs and out the common room before Pandora breaks the silence.

"You don't like to talk much do you." Her airy voice pulling Shaula's attention to her. Pandora reminded her of Luna Lovegood, this was most likely her deceased mother in the cannon world.

"No I do like to talk, I just... don't know what to talk about." She replies honestly, as whilst Shaula did want to make friends in Hogwarts, she just didn't know how to interact with those who were mentally younger than her. That and she was also terrified of her parents response to hers and Sirius' Sorting.

"You might have an infestation of Wrackspurts then. They always make my head fuzzy and unable to think straight." says Pandora, Shaula looks over at her, further convincing the reincarnated girls belief of the blonde being Luna's mother. Pandora must have mistaken Shaula's expressions as confusion, as she continues talking.

"A good way a getting rid of Wrackspurt's is by thinking positively. Think of something happy,"

"Something happy?" Shaula thinks for a couple seconds over what makes her happy. "My brothers I guess, although Sirius can be annoying at times with his pranks but he doesn't mean any harm to me." Pandora smiles at that, happy that she had made Shaula think of something happy and had hopefully gotten rid of the Wrackspurts.

"What about you? What makes you happy?" asks Shaula, which slightly startles the young girl as she had not believed that Shaula would try and get to know her. Pandora thinks herself now, tilting her head as her silver eyes widen slightly and glaze over. Shaula furrowed her brow and quickly links her arm with Pandora's so that she doesn't walk into anything or fall over. Her eyes eventually unglaze themselves and she responds.

"Mint ice cream makes me happy. The colour mint green as well. It reminds me of the trees." She turns to look at Shaula, before noticing their linked arms and looks in confusion.

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