scene Two

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A/N: Thank you so much to anyone who read my crap! Seeing all the notifications I got after posting this was so overwhelming I started crying, I kid you not. Thank you thank you thank you!

My eyes widened, and suddenly I really regretted not having fixed my hair or getting dressed, though I was immensely happy I had at least brushed my teeth. I really hoped my eyes weren't all puffy red and ugly.

"Th-Thomas?" I stuttered, feeling completely shocked. "What are you doing here?"

He grinned warmly at me. "I wanted to come visit ya! Sorry I didn't Skype last night; didn't want to give it away."
My worries seemed obsolete suddenly. I rushed forward, hugging him tightly. He seemed surprised for all but a heartbeat, before returning the gesture with just as much vigor.

"I'm so glad you're here! I wish I could've had at least a little bit of warning though; it's a mess in here!"

Thomas just laughed that gorgeous laugh of his. "That's alright, I'm not worried. I'm just here to see you, not judge your housekeeping skills."

It quickly became apparent to me that we were still standing in my doorstep and it was raining outside.

"Here, come in, gosh. Sorry I made you wait out there!"

"It's all good! Wait, I didn't wake you up, did I?"
I shook my head.

"You're good! I'm just slow-moving today."
Understatement of the year.

I offered him some coffee, which he accepted, and I decided to give him the "Joy" mug.

"How was the flight?" I asked, sitting across from him in the couch, hands curled around my warm blue mug.
He shrugged.

"Pretty standard. Nothing fancy." He grinned. "Honestly, I slept through most of it."

I smiled back at him. "Well, I'm glad you got here safely."
We just sat there like that for a moment, beaming dopily at one another, until I snapped out of it with a jolt.
Flushing crimson, a cleared my throat, turning to the TV.

"Umm, do you wanna watch something? I don't really care what."
Thomas seemed to snap out of whatever trance we had been in as well. He agreed, and I quickly picked some random movie I hadn't seen yet. I assumed he hadn't seen it either, because he just turned and quietly watched it.
Standing up, I excused myself, saying I wanted to get ready really quick, and telling him to "help yourself to whatever!"

Running to my room, I closed the door securely and pressed my back against it, before squealing giddily.
He wasn't mad at me! Oh great gosh golly goodness he really wasn't mad at me!
I mean, I'd have to hide my stupid creepy crush, but it'd be worth to see him face-to-face.
I smiled, biting my lip as I went to actually get dressed.
He's actually here.

fragments (jon cozart x thomas sanders)Where stories live. Discover now