scene Twelve

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I stared down into my cup of coffee, the tendrils of steam growing thinner and thinner as time passed on, yet I couldn't bring myself to drink it.

Thomas had left yesterday, and already everything felt bleaker. It was like when he left, he had left with all the color in my life as well.
I scrolled through pictures on my phone of him, or him and I, pausing on the one I took of him before Disney. I had downloaded it to my phone, and it was probably my favorite picture ever.
He still looked just as angelic, and as I gazed upon the picture, my heart fluttered a little, and the color seemed to seep out from my phone screen into the world around me.
Then I snapped back into the real world, and we were back to my usual grayscale.

I sighed, turning off my phone and resting my head on my folded arms.
Maybe things would be better once I got back into routine.

I bit my lip, squeezing my eyes shut tighter.
This will just take time. I could wait a thousand years for Thomas.

I sighed, standing up and taking my mug to the sink.
Thomas wouldn't want me to mope.
I smiled a little bit, and turned on my radio.
Thomas would want me to be happy.
So I sang along, and danced as I washed the few other dishes in the sink, allowing myself to bring back the vibrancy that had disappeared eighteen hours ago.
I'd be happy, because that's what Thomas would want.

And maybe that's what I wanted too.

fragments (jon cozart x thomas sanders)Where stories live. Discover now