scene Eight

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Dirty dishes sat on the floor, and half the blankets were hanging off the bed. Reruns of Gilmore Girls were playing from the TV, our phones lay strewn on the small couch.
I, however, was focused on Thomas, as we laid across from each other, talking as we did even before this new development on our relationship.

"I started doing Vine because I wanted to make people smile and laugh, you know? I feel like there's a lot of people that are sad nowadays, and I want to highlight some of the happier bits." He waved his hands around a little bit as he talked, his gaze not wavering from mine.

"Yeah, I get that. A lot of the people just do YouTube, or Vine, or whatever so they can get famous, and that's really not what it's all about."
Thomas hummed in response, the corners of his lips quirking up in a lazy smile.

"You want to know my favorite thing though about YouTube?"
I cocked my head as much as I could, lying on my side, my nose twitching a bit with the movement.

Thomas grinned, squeezing my hand tightly. "It brought me to you."
I flushed darkly, bringing up my free hand to cover my face.

"Shut up," I mumbled, unable to stop myself from smiling.
Thomas laughed loudly, the sound echoing just a bit in the small room.

"It's true!" He reached forward to pull my hand away from my face, leaning to kiss my nose. "And don't hide your face. It's far too handsome to be all covered up."
Of course, I only blushed darker, pushing his shoulder gently.

"You're one to talk! Look at you, Mr. Could-Be-Would-Be-Disney-Prince!"

"I think I'm just a little too gay, even for Disney!"

"Nonsense. We all know Elsa is gay. Who's to say they won't have a gay prince next?"

We both laughed, and I was faintly reminded of my "After Ever After" videos, before pushing the thought away. I didn't want to think about videos right now.
I just wanted to focus on my boyfriend.

After a few more minutes, we both turned to watch the TV, laughing quietly at Luke and Lorelai's antics, and noting the irony of Jared Padelecki's character.

"Can you imagine what Supernatural Dean would say if he found Sam as Dean in Star's Hollow?" Thomas asked, and I laughed even louder.

"No chick flick moments!"
We kept giggling, our cheeks hurting from smiling too much, not that either of us minded.
I sighed contently, resting my head on Thomas' chest.

"I'm so glad you're here," I murmured, and Thomas softly agreed, his fingers running through my hair with an unrivaled amount of gentleness.
We continued to stay there like that until the sun started to go down, throwing on some clothes lazily so we could run down to the restaurant for a quick dinner, before returning right back to the hotel room.

fragments (jon cozart x thomas sanders)Where stories live. Discover now