scene Fifteen

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I stared out the window, my earbuds playing loudly, but not so loud anyone else would hear.
It was a relatively short flight, and for that I was grateful, as I really couldn't wait to see Thomas.

I wanted to kiss him and hold him and know that he was really mine. And I wanted him to know I was his, and that I always would be.

A little bout of turbulence shook the plane, but I wasn't worried, as that was fairly standard.
I wasn't too worried when the "fasten seatbelt" sign came back on either.
I was worried though when the pilot told us to get into the braced position.
I was terrified when the plane began to plummet.
I was racing against time as I hurried to type out what I wanted to say.
Then, I was greeted by black as we impacted.


Jon 😇😍😘❤️: I love you Thomas. I'm sorry
-message delivered-

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