scene Three

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A/N: Triple update, let's go!
If you've made it this far, thank you thank you thank you so much!!!!

Reassured that my hair was looking good and my shirt wasn't wrinkled, I re-emerged into my living room, smiling fondly when my gaze fell upon Thomas, who was hugging a pillow as he watched the movie intently. I stood there, and wanted to keep standing there forever, but reality hit me in the face.

"Thomas!" I sputtered, picking up the pillow he had just flung at me. He laughed, ducking behind the arm of the couch. "Oh, it is on!"

We ran around, full-force torpedoing our arsenal of pillows, giggling and somehow managing to build a blanket fort at the same time.
I had just ducked into the kitchen, face flushed from running around, before darting back into the living room.

"Huh?" I looked around. Where on earth did he go?
A sudden heavy weight on my back sent me spiraling to the ground. Mid-fall, Thomas twisted so instead of landing on me, he fell on his back and I onto his chest.

"I should've known, you flubbernugget!" He laughed, throwing his head back gleefully.

"You're just jealous because I'm obviously superior!"

"Oh really now? Since when?"

He smirked playfully. "Since forever." With that, he flipped us over so he was straddling my waist, looking down at me with that charmingly goofy expression of his.

I blushed, but he didn't seem to notice.

"I missed you. It was hard not seeing you without the help of a computer screen." He paused, blushing. "I would watch your videos on repeat when I couldn't sleep."
Now it was my turn to blush.

"I watched your vines when I needed something to make me smile," I softly admitted, and we both lingered there, wrapped up in each other's warmth and our own revelations.

Then the world came spiraling back into clarity. Thomas seemed to realize he was still on top of me, and scrambled off hurriedly. I sat up, rubbing the back of my neck abashedly.

Thomas gently cleared his throat. "Uh, the hotel I'm staying at has this awesome restaurant attached, if you wanted to go for dinner tonight. On me, of course."

I grinned. "That sounds fantastic! Until then though, did you want to finish the movie? I can restart it."

Thomas sighed contently, and there was a strange warmth in his eyes I'd never seen anywhere else before. It was nice, comforting. It felt kind of like home.
"That sounds great."

fragments (jon cozart x thomas sanders)Where stories live. Discover now