End result

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Crouching, I snuck into the kitchen. My hands wrung the fridge door handle, a smug victory grin evident. Short lived was my victory as I felt hot breath on my neck.

"Touch that sandwich and you will loose a limb." He warned, dragging me away from the fridge, I squeaked, clawing at the fridge to hold onto but to no avail.

"But you make the best sandwiches known to mankind." I protested as he plopped me down in a chair too far from the fridge for my comfort.

"I don't care, don't touch my sandwich." His dark chocolate eyes twinkled in amusement before cutting to the chase, "It is the 3rd day, Poison, I hope you are ready to hand me that tenner."

"Oh get your man purse my dear partner, it won't be me paying."

-a short drive later-

The hot red Ferrari sat comfortably on the other side of the road, opposite to the family house of the Chasens.

"See, no one is here." The dark haired Italian gestured to the empty street but my smug smirk held up.

"Patience is a virtue." I subdued my grin until the two hurrying figures appeared, hurriedly pacing towards the road, emerging from the house.

The moment their identities became known, DarkAngel's jaw dropped. There, fully armed with suitcases was the infamous pair of Ursula and Richard Chasen.

I rolled down my window, letting the speech roll in in waves.

"This is all YOUR FAULT! If you hadn't -"

"SHUT UP URSULA! Do you want the whole neighbour hood to know to china?!!?"

I rolled the window back up, holding my hand out.

Rather moodily, a tenner was slapped into my open and waiting hand.

"How, the hell did you do it?!" Angel hissed, banging his head on the dashboard in utter confusion.

"Simple really. Remember Havier?" The Italian nodded, "Well, he is, as you know, the owner of multiple banks. But also the employer of the one and only Richard Chasen."  I grinned, carrying on. "First I gave him my demands....


" are you sure?" The bank owner asked, scanning the document as though it held thereby to the universe.

- A sent reminder of Bank Manager Richard Chasen's private savings jointly shared by Mrs Ursula Chasen

- A polite farewell to Bank Manager Richard Chasen on exactly the 8th of May. Make it through phone call at exactly 9:35 explaining the situation, any explanation will do towards his termination.

- A advertisement for bank loans in the early morning paper. Preferably in the millions.

Thank you for cooperating.

"Why a-"

"A reminder? Well I needed to engrain the amount of money he had in the bank to alert his subconscious when his girlfriend asked for a rather expensive trip to a fancy Australian resort."

"Why an advertisement at exactly 9:30?"

"Because every morning at exact; 9:35." I corrected him, "Father dearest sits with his toast and newspaper and reads through everything."

-A morning a few day in advance-

"Morning honey!" Richard hollered, picking up the perfectly crisp toast from the toast rack, tossing it onto the wooden board. After roughly spreading jam over its surface, it was transferred to a plate and set down on the table.

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