Truth~young derek

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Derek and me have always been good friends. He was a werewolf and I was a werewolf also so the supernatural brought us  close.

I always hide my feelings for Derek all the time because he likes Paige. Paige is a nice girl there's no way to hate her.

Recently Derek has become distant and I'm the type of person that if someone ignores me I'll do it right back.


So far a month has gone by and not a single word was said between us.

Currently I was on Netflix looking for a good movie to watch. What about the fault in our stars? I asked myself I put it on and start watching it.

"NO" I yell as Augustus died. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO LIVE" I yelled again as I started to sob (don't judge it's a really sad movie I cried so hard when I saw it).

"I hate you John" I said once I started to stop crying.


"(Y/N) Derek's here to see you" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a minute" I yelled back. I walked down the stairs taking my time not really wanting to talk to Derek.

As I was on the last step I looked at Derek and saw his eyes were really red. I walked up to him and hugged him so tight it would have hurt if he was a human.

"It's going to be okay" I tell him still hugging him.

"No it's not I killed her. I killed Paige" he said sadly and flashed his eyes that were now blue. I just stood there shocked why would he kill her?

"Why did you kill her I thought you loved her?" I said stepping back

"I did but her body didn't take the bite and she said it hurt so much. She was already dying" he said and broke down sobbing.

"Derek you know she loved you right" I told him "yes" he said.

"She'll always be with you even if she's gone" I said and hugged him again.


It's been 4 months since Paige died Derek has gotten a little better but he still blames himself.

"Hey" I said to him once I got to his locker at school.

"Hey" he said back with a little smile. I was about to tell him something but I was interrupted by Josh one of our friends we became really close.

"(Y/n) can I talk to you" he said looking really nervous "Yeah what's up" I said.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me" he said.

Oh god what do I say? I still do like Derek but I don't want to tell him my feelings because it would seem like I didn't care about Paige's death and I do care.

"Sure. When?" I asked him with a smile  I didn't want to hurt his feelings and I wanted to give someone a chance since Derek will never like me in that way.

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